actinic V8
in the following text, I have purposely ommited opening "<" and / or closing ">" tags to make the text read correctly without html getting in the way
I've been creating a new site, and making the html code as efficient/fast as possible.
its all true html with strong css etc but I've noticed problems with the generated code
let me explain.
I have 30 odd lines of code between the HEAD tags, and I just happened to have the
<Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE= . . .
on line 4 - nothing unusual in that - it just happened to sit at line 4
when I look at the GENERATED SOURCE CODE within firefox, I notice something very unusual.
the /HEAD tag is re-generated immediatley before the first <ACTINC tag.
in my particular code, I end up with
line 1
line 2
the remaining lines of code that should be in between the HEAD tags have now been moved into the BODY tag.
experimenting further, it doesn't matter where I put the <ACTINIC tags, it immedialty closes the HEAD tag in the generated (and therefore I assume interpreted code) and places the remaining code into the BODY tag.
most peculiar.
I've moved the <ACTINIC tags to the very end of the HEAD tag, and although it keeps all my HEAD code within the HEAD tags, it generates the <ACTINIC tag within the BODY tag. - No idea of the implications.
its very simple to re-create, just put the <ACTINIC tags in the header, then preview the page into firefox (I assume any other browser will give similar code) and then using the Web-Developer addin, look at the generated source code and look at whats happened to the closing of the head tag.
now move the <ACTINIC tag elsewhere, and again look at the firefox generated code, your /head> code has moved - most peculiar
as far as the interpretation by google et al thinks of this poor html code, I can only guess.
its validating as valid html (again using the web-developer tools, just very strange)
can anyone explain whats going on. ??
in the following text, I have purposely ommited opening "<" and / or closing ">" tags to make the text read correctly without html getting in the way
I've been creating a new site, and making the html code as efficient/fast as possible.
its all true html with strong css etc but I've noticed problems with the generated code
let me explain.
I have 30 odd lines of code between the HEAD tags, and I just happened to have the
<Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE= . . .
on line 4 - nothing unusual in that - it just happened to sit at line 4
when I look at the GENERATED SOURCE CODE within firefox, I notice something very unusual.
the /HEAD tag is re-generated immediatley before the first <ACTINC tag.
in my particular code, I end up with
line 1
line 2
the remaining lines of code that should be in between the HEAD tags have now been moved into the BODY tag.
experimenting further, it doesn't matter where I put the <ACTINIC tags, it immedialty closes the HEAD tag in the generated (and therefore I assume interpreted code) and places the remaining code into the BODY tag.
most peculiar.
I've moved the <ACTINIC tags to the very end of the HEAD tag, and although it keeps all my HEAD code within the HEAD tags, it generates the <ACTINIC tag within the BODY tag. - No idea of the implications.
its very simple to re-create, just put the <ACTINIC tags in the header, then preview the page into firefox (I assume any other browser will give similar code) and then using the Web-Developer addin, look at the generated source code and look at whats happened to the closing of the head tag.
now move the <ACTINIC tag elsewhere, and again look at the firefox generated code, your /head> code has moved - most peculiar
as far as the interpretation by google et al thinks of this poor html code, I can only guess.
its validating as valid html (again using the web-developer tools, just very strange)
can anyone explain whats going on. ??