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CSS and unordered lists

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    CSS and unordered lists

    I'd like to see a greater reliance on CSS for layout. Getting Actinic to output XHTML would be good too.
    It would be nice to see support for unordered (and ordered) lists especially within fragments.
    Richard Gosler
    Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
    Dorset, UK

    I'd like to see a greater reliance on CSS for layout.
    I still use and prefer tables.


      Hi Richard

      There are a few themes that get their layout from CSS - Technical, Executive. Clean CSS Layout - but we are never going to remove tables completely from the software, simply because tables are the correct technology to use for many areas e.g. we'll aslways use tables for the shopping cart grid.

      There are a few areas where we could remove tables, such as the checkout fields., and I have passed your comments onto the development team.

