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Snapshot saves registered design

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    Snapshot saves registered design

    When creating a custom design in DW with V7 we altered the templates as required and when a snapshot was created the altered templates were saved. When a mistake was made editing a template after this we could return to a previous snapshot and recover the previous template copy. This was great as you could work in the knowledge that whatever mistake you made you could recover from it.

    In V8, unless I am doing something wrong! this does not seem to work. If you register a design in DW and save that registered design in the site1 folder then when you make a snapshot the registered design is not saved. This means, as I have just found out that if you trash your external design then you cannot go back to a previous snapshot to recover it.

    Is it possible that when you make a snapshot ALL the files in the site1 folder are saved - I say all because this I suspect will also affect any external css files.

    Hi Malcolm

    The next release of v8 (8.5) includes a fix to this problem - and all files used in the registration of external designs are now captured in the snapshot.


      Brilliant - thanks chris


        8.5 is in beta isn't it?

        any showstoppers yet?


          any showstoppers yet?
          Monkeys cannot use it


            any showstoppers yet?
            So far it looks like there are a few niggles with the re-written shipping system. We're just looking into those - we did expect that as it has all been completely re-written.

            I'd appreciate the thoughts of you guys on the new 'Edit with Dreamweaver' function for layouts. Does it do what you need it to?


              I'd appreciate the thoughts of you guys on the new 'Edit with Dreamweaver' function for layouts. Does it do what you need it to
              IT LOOKS GOOD and seems to do all of what the old template manager did in V7. Well done guys this is the bit that has been missing from V8 since it was launched.

              I think will make a big difference to users of DW as you can now take a clean theme (Or any other) and build on it just as many of us did in V7.


                Good stuff. The layouts don't look particularly pretty in DW - but then I guess the v7 ones didn't either.

                I think this will be an area that we continually refine over time, so comments are always welcome.


                  The layouts don't look particularly pretty in DW - but then I guess the v7 ones didn't either
                  They are not too bad - a bit better than V7 IMO . The css themes will be a challange perhaps but Im a tables man and those themes look very good.


                    Thanks for listening guys (the proliteriat does sometimes win) a welcome addition to be able to code outside Actinic. v8.5 has a mass of additions - a fantastic achievement and proof that Actinic does listen to its user base.

                    I did note that removing the absolute path to the external design (as suggested previously to help with snapshots) prevented the layout being edited. Not a major issue.

                    If only DW could compact all the Actinic variables down to a readable shorthand fashion (like a good old NQV) that would be blinding

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

