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New Icon

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    New Icon

    A new, funky, web 2.0 icon for v9 to differentiate the different versions installed

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    Sounds like a good idea - I used to have to hover to check the version and often opened the wrong version. I changed the icon on my shortcuts to save the confusion.


      Yeah - I'm planning something with the circles that came into the branding for v8 - it'll look different.


        here you go, i made you one. dont eat it all at once.
        i use this one to determine versions.

        typically, there are 3 icons in each .ico file, 64, 32 and 16 pixels respectively

        looks pretty for list, icon and tiles view in xp.

        the 16 px icon for v7 is lighter in colour, so you can tell even in list view.

        have fun.
        Attached Files


          it's... so... beautiful....

          Cheers Gabriel - I shall take inspiration from it.


            just added icons i use to tell the difference. in case someone wants them

            to use:
            - save them somewhere
            - right click on the actinic icon on your desktop
            - select properties
            - change icon
            - find the saved location and click the appropriate icon.

            and here is the vector brush i made, from the original logo:
            and for giggles, there's a v9 version in green
            Attached Files


              Originally posted by cdicken
              I shall take inspiration from it.
              Chris ... not that I am doubting your artistic skills .. but how about opening up a competition for the new icon to the forum members?

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by jont
                Chris ... not that I am doubting your artistic skills ..
                Lying so and so, lol.


                  I am trying to keep the forum nice and friendly and integrate the user base with Actinic Towers .. a little smoothing of the way never hurt

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    I understand, we need design contests to feel part of the software we all use so often, as the chances of being included by actinic seem somewhat slim otherwise. Have we digressed Jonty, follow the ruuuuules! Ah tis ok it's your thread - woohoo freedom.


                      My thread. My rules... now ... sultanas ........

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Chris ... not that I am doubting your artistic skills .. but how about opening up a competition for the new icon to the forum members?
                        A nice idea - but the marketing team have already put a graphic designer on the case.

                        I shall choose to ignore the comment about my design skills...

