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V9 Suggestions - Digital Downloads

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    V9 Suggestions - Digital Downloads

    Hi All,

    We should be able to specify a URL in Actinic for Digital downloads (in the acatalog/dd folder) and JPGs so that Actinic does not have to upload them again if it cannot find them locally (on the local PC which is uploading to Actinic). It should be able to find the file, then create an encrypted link, rather than creating this from the local file.

    We sell 20GB of digital downloads and our laptop ran out of space recently, so I bought a 500GB external drive and put 10GB of downloads onto it. Unfortunately, one day I forgot to connect the drive. Guess what? Actinic came up with an error after uploading saying it could not find the files concerned (as they were on non-connected the external drive)... Then when I had re-connected it, Actinic started uploading 10GB of files, from scratch! Days and days of frustration!

    If Actinic wants to be taken serious as a tool for download suppliers, then it needs to have a way to do the above. It makes sending snapshots to designers difficult too as they don't have the files locally, and any time you re-import the snapshot it uploads (again!) from scratch!

    Anyone else being driven made by this? This is definitely one to be taken serious for V9. I will be sticking to V7 until they impliment better features for managing downloads.

    Best wishes,

    Jan (i-Sounds)

    I can understand your frustration. v8 does go part way to what you wish for, in V8 you can opt not to reupload DD files and images on refresh.


      As duncan says and jo told you in another thread V8 will partly solve your problem. Who knows what V9 will bring but I suspect its too late to add anything new to it now - V10???


        Sounds like a sensible next step. I have passed this on to the development team.

