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PayPal Mobile integration...

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    PayPal Mobile integration...

    i want to offer 'mobile' mini sites for my customers....
    having the paypal mobile integration in PSP options
    would be FANTASTIC!



    why? - mobiles such as the iPhone can use normal websites and psps so why bother with sites designed for mobiles. Bit old hat imo


      It's an interesting area to discuss.

      Do we think all phones will go down the 'iphone' route, or should we be thinking seriously about using the 'handheld' media option for stylesheets in our online stores. The thought of being able to buy a quick birthday present while being stuck on a train somewhere outside Earlsfield is quite appealing. It's something I've been thinking about for future versions

      It would certainly be possible to create a design that is optimised for hand-held devices (I can see the cart and checkout being fun, but not impossible) and at least with Actinic all the hard work is done on the server side, so there are very few browser requirements.

      Anyway - this is just be dumping my brain of a Thursday morning. Any other opinions out there?


        iPhone has set the standard now, anything released will have to match or beat that IMO. Specific mobile sites are history IMO, oh how much money was made from the mobi craze. Having devices that access the normal WWW in the normal way, has to be the future for me.


          iPhone has set the standard now, anything released will have to match or beat that IMO. Specific mobile sites are history IMO, oh how much money was made from the mobi craze. Having devices that access the normal WWW in the normal way, has to be the future for me.
          And if that happens (and I agree with you that it probably will) it could be the first time ever that a new browser technology makes the job of a web designer less complicated rather than more...


            There's nothing really special with iPhone - Opera mini has most of the same functionality and allows browsing a normal size site easily on a small screen on most phones. The issue is still the riduculos costs of data transfer on mobile devices - it is changing albeit slowly. When the costs are down to an accetable level then the doors will open for mobile purchases.

            I see no reason to develope for wap or similar style formats.

            Having a very simple one or two clicks to purchase for registered customers will be a must though IMO.


              Good point. It's going to be about the usability, not the technology.


                Originally posted by cdicken
                it could be the first time ever that a new browser technology makes the job of a web designer less complicated rather than more...
                Now that did make me chuckle as I ponder the IE8 launch in the not too distant future.


                  Thanks for the input guys,

                  but i'm not sure i made my self clear enough...

                  Yes, i know most modern phones will browse a regular web sites but even when you use a reduce page zoom function(i have N95 nokia) the page is much to big...
                  i can browse our site and purchase an item no problems BUT.....i have scroll around what is still a large page.

                  i can design a layout that fits the screen 320 x 240 etc(already testing this)

                  my problem is not how site displays etc at the moment, its the Paypal payment i really was referring to...

                  Paypal have a new(?) mobile 'gateway' that allows users to pay via mobile using a new system specifically written for mobiles.
                  (all of this info is available on paypals website)


                  I want to know if there is any way to edit the paypal pay templates to use the new Mobile API, is this a big task?

                  Sites that display natively on mobiles is the way to go for us as most customers already have a user experiance of the original website and just want to buy something quickity quick(like a bunch of flowers for the wife on valentines day or that b'day present you forgot Mr Dicken!!! haha)

                  at the moment I need a PSP option for paypal mobile API.
                  so when i make the payment it goes to the paypal mobile gateway NOT the usual full size gateway option.

                  i looked at the paypal script ' and says that Zoltan wrote it(?)
                  is he the person i need for this task? Can this be adapted to do this?
                  also would this script would need to streamline the returns as you would need fewer values for an end of sale invoice screen(!)(ive just done an 'all nighter' so brain is tired )

                  hope this explains further...

                  plus this allows us to charge at least another 50% to our clients!!!
                  (dont worry about what seems to be bare faced capitalism...we get our clients Gov. Grants for IT development!!!!

                  many thanks



                    iPhone has set the standard now, anything released will have to match or beat that IMO.
                    Google have also started delving into the mobile area with Andriod which is there open handset alliance project and they have made it clear that they are trying to bring mobile internet browsing up to the same level as normal internet browsing.

                    The issue is still the riduculos costs of data transfer on mobile devices - it is changing albeit slowly. When the costs are down to an accetable level then the doors will open for mobile purchases.
                    This is a very good comment - from what i have seen so far mobile web at the moment is being used in a different way to how the web is currently used due to cost, speed issues etc. While these issues are there people seem to be using mobile web more for quick updates (sport, news, entertainment etc) as oppoased to actually spending time browsing the web for products and services (kind of similar to how the web was used in its initial stages).

                    IMO once costs come down, speeds increase and any potenital security concerns are met then I see that mobile web will start to see a similar progression to that of the internet.

                    Located in Herts


                      well I have just got myself an iPhone and ditched my blackerry and I'm paying less for it. I have unlimited data and email and the speed is very good on o2 and even better when latched onto wifi. I now spend more time browsing on the iPhone than I do on my pc as the page display is fantastic and far better than an n95. The iPhone is the future of browsing it already has 20% of the smartphone Market and with the reduced charges you now get all other phones will be playing catchup. If you have not played with one yet you need to and see how your website performs on it. As for pp mobile I'm for it as again the future is mobile - laptops will soon die - they are even giving them away free these days!


                        just reading through the pp mobile stuff and to me it just looks like another way of loging into the normal paypal but using a mobile number - good idea for current mobile users but I can see it soon being out dated by smart phones with QWERTY keypads rather than normal phone key pads. It would still be an option BUT not at the expence of other work on Actinic which is a higher priority AND we dont want another PPP fiasco do we!! - also it may be a little confusing for "normal" customers using a PC as potentially you could have 3 payPal payment options - many shoppers cannot cope as it is IMO


                          Thanks for feedback y'all!

                          i'm gonna try to figure it out anyway....


