We are often encouraging people to move all pages within Actinic for easy site management. However, because all brochure pages bar the home page get loaded into the acatalog folder, it often ends up a hindrance to this process. This is particularly annoying when rankings need to be preserved, so you have to start messing with 301's and htaccess.
As you have shown with the home page, you can load a page to root, I think this should be offered as a solution on all brochure pages or maybe even a flag where you specify root or acatalog.
This would provide a better structure for a site, all shop pages could sit within a shop folder (acatalog renamed), all info pages at root and all scripted pages operate from the cgi-bin. This seems to be the basic structure that many sites wishing to move onto Actinic have currently, so I think you should be looking to offer a like for like for the easiest transition possible.
As you have shown with the home page, you can load a page to root, I think this should be offered as a solution on all brochure pages or maybe even a flag where you specify root or acatalog.
This would provide a better structure for a site, all shop pages could sit within a shop folder (acatalog renamed), all info pages at root and all scripted pages operate from the cgi-bin. This seems to be the basic structure that many sites wishing to move onto Actinic have currently, so I think you should be looking to offer a like for like for the easiest transition possible.