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Create a product and it generates an...

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    Create a product and it generates an...

    ...html page.

    Has this been done?

    Have I missed it?

    Is it planned for v9.03?

    Or v10?

    Is there a tweak that does this? (Ideally for v8 as I'm comfy with it for now)
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    automatically, no
    Unless you count codepath's plugin?

    I'm sure it must be way up there on the wishlist by now.

    (although i've seen your wishlist..I know there are far more interesting things on it )


      With a tweak, yes.

      This patch allows a product to automatically create a stand-alone HTML page, complete with
      cart button, etc. It's demo code only. Will need more work for real world use.


      1) We create an new style of popup page that will write the standalone files.

      Go to Design / Library / Layouts.
      Right-click on any of the layout type groups in the 'Layouts' tab and select 'New Layout Type'.
      Give it a name of 'Product on Separate Page' and ensure you select 'Pop-up'.
      Click 'OK'.

      Right-click on this new layout type group and select 'New Layout'.
      Give it a name of 'Separate Page Product' and click 'OK'.

      Now double-click on this layout to edit it.
      Click the 'Edit Layout Details' button.
      Change the value in the 'Extended Info Page Filename Field' from:
      <Actinic:Variable Name="ExtendedInfoPageName"/>
      page_<actinic:variable name="EncodedProductAnchor"/>.html
      Click 'OK'.
      This will automatically create a unique filename for each product containing its details.

      2) Now you need to put some layout code into this layout.

      In the Edit Layout Code window paste the following (this will create a minimally functional stand-alone page):
      <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
         <title><actinic:variable name="PageTitle" /></title>
         <actinic:variable name="BaseHref" />
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
         <meta name="keywords" content="Keywords" />
         <meta name="description" content="Description" />
         <link href="actinic.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="actiniccore.js"></script>
         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="actinicextras.js"></script>
      <actinic:variable name="ProductLayout" value="Standard Layout Using CSS" />
      OK Out.

      You can amend this, if required, to use other Product Layouts. And you'll probably need more overall layout data around the product.

      3) You now need to create a layout selector to include the new 'Separate Page Product' into the store design.

      Right-click on the 'Separate Page Product' group and select 'New Selector'.
      Give it a name of 'SeparatePageProduct'.
      Give it a prompt of 'SeparatePageProduct'.
      Set 'Group' to 'Other'.
      Under 'Place of Setting', select 'Site'
      Set 'Tab Name' to 'Product'.
      Change to the 'Values' tab.
      Highlight 'Separate Page Product' in the left list and click the '>' button to move it to the right-list.
      Change back to the 'Basic Definition' tab.
      Click 'OK'.

      4) We need to put some code to actually create these helper files.
      Go to Design / Library / Layouts / Products.
      Right-click any layout and choose "Copy".
      Rename that copy to be "Separate Page Product Via Link".
      Edit that new layout.
      Replace all code with:
      <actinic:variable name="SeparatePageProduct" value="Separate Page Product" />
      <a href="page_<actinic:variable name="EncodedProductAnchor" />.html"><actinic:variable name="ProductName" /></a>
      That's it!

      Now any product you create using products layout "Separate Page Product Via Link" will automatically create a page called page_a******.html and a simple link to it will appear instead of the normal product details.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        blimey, Norman!
        That's some "tweak"


          The power of insomnia and a quiet weekend!

          Actually, it's just a Copy / Paste / Rename a few bits - from my post on turning the search results into a list of fully buyable products. See posts 8 and 9 for the original article.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            well, it looked impressive on the screen on my phone LOL
            Presumably, it works like having an automatic extended info page method then?
            This would mean you wouldn't end up with product links in your menu/navigation etc?

            Might have a play with this later, actually.
            Thanks, Norman


              Nice one Norman. So when are Actinic expanding the employee base to include Turkey then


                would mean you wouldn't end up with product links in your menu/navigation etc
                I don't know if putting these products in a hidden Section would work. You might have to put them in a real Section. In which case they'll show up in the Search.

                It's a try it and see thing.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

