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Checkout compatibility with autocomplete functions

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    Checkout compatibility with autocomplete functions

    Some customers are using autocomplete functions during the checkout stage and it's likely the numbers will increase as these get better.

    Currently there can be problems with Actinic's checkout as they often can't recognise the fileds. Maybe because of the field names used.

    One symptom of this I see is when the customers house number is on a line all of it's own with the street name on a separate line. Another is when the customers card details appear in the address form, which presents a security issue and is probably a bit disconcerting for the customer (to put it mildly) when they see it happening.

    Can actinic take a look at the issue and understand what is happening and why, and then look at ways of improving it. Making the checkout work better for customers is one of the keys to improving the checkout completion percentages and is probably quite valuable to all of us.


    Hmm. I looked into this a bit and there seems to be standard called Vcard for doing this kind of thing. I'm not sure how valuable the standard is but there seems to be a hack where you can specify a vcard name for an input and autocomplete will offer previously used inputs that used that name.


    Here's the example they give which looks like it might work without having to change the field names.

    If the value you want to make available to the user in the autocomplete list is not listed in the standard vCard names above, it can still be made available to the user using this code. Let's say you have a search input field with field name field_1 due to some strange reasons. And you still want to make all the previous search values available to the user using autocomplete, this can be done as shown in the code below -

    <form action="some-url-here" method="GET">
    Search : <input type="text" name="field_1" vcard_name="search">

    If you have used search engine before with autocomplete turned ON, this input box should list all the search terms below it. I recently found this little hack, and haven't yet seen it being documented anywhere, so thought I should just include this small tip. Using this, you can almost make any value available to the user.

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