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SellerDeck 2013: Product Filtering

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    SellerDeck 2013: Product Filtering

    Product Filtering allows customers to successively refine their view of a set of products by making a series of selections.

    Within SellerDeck 2013, you can enable filtering for any section in your SellerDeck site.
    There can be an unlimited number of filters set up based on any product attribute or property.
    Additionally a blank Section can be created and filtering can be used to populate it with products from elsewhere in the store.

    Creating a Filter

    To define a product filter for general use select 'Search and Filtering Settings' from the SellerDeck 'Settings' menu and go to the 'Filtering' tab.
    1. Click 'New Filter' and enter a name
    2. To enable filtering on price bands, tick 'Allow Searching By Price Band'. Click the [+] icon to enter the first brand. You can start from £0, or enter a different starting price. Then enter the Maximum for the first price band, eg 49.99.
    3. Click [+] again. That starting value for the next price band is calculated automatically. Enter a Maximum, and continue adding price bands until the range is complete.
    4. Now click the [+] icon against 'Property'. Click in the first column underneath and select the first property you want shoppers to be able to filter by. Continue adding properties until you have finished.

    5. Finally, click 'OK' to save the filter.

    You can also add a filter, or modify an existing one, by clicking the 'Add / Edit Filters' button in the 'Filtering' tab of the Section Details.

    Simple Filtering

    Simple Filtering enables your customers to refine their view of products in a particular section of the store, selecting first those that match one criterion, and then those that also match another.

    The first thing you need to do is to define the set of properties and / or price bands that you want to use for the section. To do this, see Creating a Filter above.

    Having set up the filter you want to use, you then need to enable filtering for your section and tell SellerDeck which filter to use for it.
    1. Click on the section you wish to use in the Content Tree.
    2. In the Section Details pane, select the 'Filtering' tab.
    3. Tick 'Enable Filtering and Sorting'.
    4. Under 'Details of Filter', click in the space against 'Use Filter' and select the filter you have just created.

    5. Now click 'Apply Changes'.

    Preview the page and you will see the filter choices in the left-hand sidebar.

    Advanced Filtering

    Advanced Filtering enables you to create sections that are populated automatically with products that fit a specific filter. This enables you to create virtual product hierarchies; show products in more than one section without using duplicates; and provide different routes into the catalogue.

    NOTE: If you want products to have a different appearance in different parts of the site, e.g. different images, descriptions or layouts – then you will need to use Product Duplicates instead of Filtering.

    First, create a new section and give it an appropriate name.

    To populate the section with existing products from elsewhere in the catalogue, you need to define an initial filter; this tells the software which products you want to show.
    1. Go to the Filtering tab and tick both 'Enable Filtering and Sorting' and 'Make Filtering the Default View'. The latter makes the software show your selection automatically to anyone who visits this section.
    2. Change the Section selection to 'All Sections', to select product from across the whole site.
    3. Set up an initial filter under 'Where Properties Have Value'. Once your section is uploaded, the software will populate it dynamically with products that meet the criteria you specify. In the example shown in the image below, this will be all products from the site that have the value ‘SellerDeck’ for the property ‘brand’.

    4. You must also choose a filter that customers can use to further refine the selection of products.

    NB The section will appear blank in the SellerDeck preview panel and when previewed locally with 'Preview Current Page' and 'Preview Store'. Your product selection is added dynamically on the web site and will be visible online once you have uploaded your new section.

    A section using Advanced Filtering can use any Section Layout, and can be a subsection of any other section. So for example, you could create a Section called 'Shop by Brand’, with filtered subsections for each brand that you want to feature, and each subsection could be co-branded for the marque that it represents.

    The settings in the Filtering tab of the Section Details operate as follows:
    • Enable Filtering and Sorting: Enables filtering for the current section and adds a list of filtering options to the left sidebar.
      NB the section must use a page layout that has a left sidebar
      Variable: IsFilteringEnabled
    • Make Filtering the Default View: When shoppers visit this section, trigger the filter defined under ‘Filter These Products’. Enables the products in the section to be presented in a different order, or the section to be populated dynamically with products from elsewhere.
      Variable: IsFilteringPageAsDefaultView
    • Section: When a filter is applied, show products from This Section only or from All Sections (whole site).
      NB to prevent shoppers from seeing unexpected results, leave this option set to ‘This Section’ unless ‘Make Filtering the Default View’ is enabled.
    • And Its Child Sections: When a filter shows products from This Section, include those in its subsections. If this and ‘Make Filtering the Default View ‘ are both ticked, then visitors to the current section will see a complete list of all the products in its branch of the Content Tree, instead of a list of subsections. The subsections will still appear in the navigation menu.
    • Where Products Have Value: When a filter is applied or when filtering is the default view, include only products that match the specified criteria.
      NB to prevent shoppers from seeing unexpected results, leave blank unless ‘Make Filtering the Default View’ is enabled.
    • Property: Click and select to filter on any valid Property or Attribute
    • Value: Set the value for which you want matching products to be included, eg value 'Medium' for attribute 'Colour', or value 'SellerDeck' for the property 'brand'.
    • Use Filter: Choose any valid Filter.
      For details of how to set up a General Filter see Creating a Filter above.
    • Add / Edit Filters: Click to open the 'Search And Filtering Settings' dialog to create a new filter or modify and existing one
    • Filter Price Band List Layout: Selects a style for the price band selection in the filter list, eg checkboxes, radio buttons or clickable links.
    • Filter Results Layout: Layout selector for the filter results
    • Filter Section List Layout: Selects a style for the property selection in the filter list, eg checkboxes, radio buttons or clickable links.
    • Match Product Layout To Filtered Results: If filtering is enabled, set this option to 'True' if you want the starting layout of the products to match the layout of the filtered results, to ensure a seamless transition.
      Variable: MatchLayouts
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