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How can I get my company logo into my customer emails?

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    How can I get my company logo into my customer emails?

    What we're trying to do here is to is to send both plain-text and HTML formatted emails in the same message. The HTML formatted one will contain some extra code to display the logo of the site. As we're sending both plain and HTML versions, the customers email program will be able to display the one the customer prefers:

    * browse to your site folder and locate '' (back it up first)
    * look for the line:

    return(SendRichMail($sSmtpServer, $sEmailAddress, $sSubjectText, $sMessageText, "", $sReturnAddress));

    * change it to:

    return(SendRichMail($sSmtpServer, $sEmailAddress, $sSubjectText, $sMessageText, $sMessageText, $sReturnAddress));

    * then look for the lines:

    $sMessageHTML =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # CRLF -> LF
    $sMessageHTML =~ s/\r/\n/g; # remaining CR -> LF
    $sMessageHTML =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # all LF -> CRLF

    * Replace these lines with:

    if ($sMessageHTML ne '')
    $sMessageHTML =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # CRLF -> LF
    $sMessageHTML =~ s/\r/\n/g; # remaining CR -> LF
    $sMessageHTML =~ s/\n/\r\n<br\/>/g; # all LF -> CRLF<br/>
    $sMessageHTML =~ s/ / /g; # all space to
    $sMessageHTML = '<img src="" /><br/>' . $sMessageHTML;

    Replacing '' with the URL of your site logo.

    * close and save the file

    If you want a logo added to the offline emails sent by the back-office Actinic system then do the following (as well as the above of course).

    * find in your Site folder (back it up first)
    * look for the line:

    @Response = ACTINIC::SendRichMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $::sMailTo, $::sMailSubject, $::sMailText, $::sMailHTML, $::sMailReturn);

    * change it to:

    @Response = ACTINIC::SendRichMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $::sMailTo, $::sMailSubject, $::sMailText, $::sMailText, $::sMailReturn);

    * close and save the file
    * update your site

    This article was provided, with thanks, by Norman Rouxel from Drillpine

    SellerDeck is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made. If you find that there is a problem, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation. Copy this into your site folder.