To upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, see below:
- Log into your Wordpress Administration Area
for example:
You should then see a Message similar to the screenshot below.
- Click on “Please update now”
- Make a backup of your WordPress blog, by clicking on “Backup your database and files”.
- If you have any plugin’s installed, it is recommended you disable them before the upgrade.
The final preparation step is to disable plugins. Now, you don't have to do this, but every now and again a plugin hasn't been updated to work with the latest version of WordPress, and causes a problem after the upgrade. So, it's best to try and avoid that, yes? You can easily disable your plugins by heading to the Manage Plugins page in the Dashboard, changing the "Bulk Actions" pull down menu to "Deactivate" and clicking "Apply".
- Then click on “Update Automatically”.
- You will need to enter your FTP password on the next screen, then click “Proceed”.
- Your Wordpress blog will now be updated, you will then see this message:
- Then update all the plug ins and themes as listed, following any notes listed. Go to “Plugins” on the left, then if there are any updates avalible, click “Update Avalible”
- Test your upgraded blog. And make sure you are happy with it.
- Log back into your Wordpress Administration Area
for example:
- Re-enable Plugins if you disabled them.
The final upgrade step is to enable plugins. Now, you don't have to do this, but every now and again a plugin hasn't been updated to work with the latest version of WordPress, and causes a problem after the upgrade. So, it's best to try and avoid that, yes? You can easily enable your plugins by heading to the Manage Plugins page in the Dashboard, changing the "Bulk Actions" pull down menu to "Activate" and clicking "Apply".
- Your WordPress blog is now upgraded.