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Inconsistent Stock Values

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    Inconsistent Stock Values

    I have already flagged a problem with stock valuation on a previous post whereby the single item cost is not being updated when the pack cost changes. However I have discovered another problem which is now misreporting my stock values masssively! (Depending on which report you use)

    Stock values as follows:
    Stock value by category (value on cost) £15620.31
    (value on average cost) £15662.03

    I believe the difference here is caused by the single item cost problem above. I recently exported pack cost & Qtys into Excel and recalculated the single item costs. When I pasted these back in to the product table both these totals were exactly the same. Incidentally the stock option in setup is checked as DO NOT apply cost averaging.

    Now for the good bit..........

    Stock value by Product £20423.69 !!

    A 25% variation in stock values.

    Having torn my hair out trying to figure out why, heres the answer:

    If an item has more than one barcode assigned to it, the product value report is multiplying the items stock value by the number of barcodes!

    Some examples:

    Item Code 1365
    Current Stock =5
    Single Item cost £1.99
    Total value therefore Should equal £9.95 (1.99 x 5)
    Reported on Product Value Report as £29.85
    This item has 3 barcodes assigned to it

    Item Code 1133
    Current Stock = 14
    Single Cost £2.94
    Total Stock Value = £41.16
    Reported on Product Value Report as £82.32
    this item has 2 barcodes asssigned to it

    I will be happy to send Tech Support a copy of my database if they wish to verify the above.

    This is not Beta or Evaluation software, this is final version retail for which I paid £1600. This is a considerable sum for a small business and I expect the product purchased to be fit for purpose.

    I trust this will be added to list of bug fixes to be included in the next release?
    Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be

    we do indeed have a number of products with two barcodes, so this may indeed be my probelm or part of it.

    At the moment several of the reports in the "STOCK" tab when I try to use them simply give me an error message.....thus

    "The expression CLICK you entered as the event property settings produced the following error : OVERFLOW"

    + The expression may not result in the name of Macro...etc
    + There may of been an error of evaluation, the function, event, or macro

    I have sought assistance from James and he is working on it.

    I reset the Z read every evening at the close of business, but still cant get the damn thing to work


      Hi Neil

      I think it would be a good idea if you could send in your database to us to have a look at.

      If you can zip up the data.mdb file found in c:\checkout then I can take a look at it here, please email it to the address at the bottom of this page.

      I have sought assistance from James and he is working on it.
      Hi Mark, did you upload your database to the ftp server address I emailed over to you, ive had a look on there and cant see anything from you.


        Hi James,

        I think it would be a good idea if you could send in your database to us to have a look at.
        You should have it now.
        Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be


          e mailed to you on the 19th July James.......clearly not seen it so will try again.




            Hi James,

            Sorry to wake you, Just wondered how the testing was going?
            Any answers yet?
            Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be


              Hi Neil

              I have been onto our devlopment team and I have replied to your email with their findings.


                Hi James,

                Good Work. Thank you

                I look forward to seeing the accuracy improved in a future release.

                For example, product 'J Creek Shiraz Cab 75cl' with ProductCode '166' has the
                following data:

                StockLevel PackQnty PackCost CostPrice
                10 6 17.64 3.943333333

                Upon these values, 'Value on cost' is: 29.4, while
                'Value on average cost is' 39.43333333.

                There are a few minor differences, and that is why the sums are not equals.
                Generally, cost price should be more or less equal to pack cost divided pack
                quantity, though if changed one of them manually or as a result of inproper
                functionality, they can be different.
                You will find that this is caused by the single item cost not updating following a pack cost change on the goods in screen. It would be worth checking this out too. If the 'global' option is set to the default of "do not apply cost averaging" then surely both cost and average cost should always be identical?
                If the development team try some "goods in" with a different pack cost to the original then it will become apparent that while the pack cost changes on the product screen, the single item cost does not (although the margin is displayed correctly). I realise that I have mentioned this before but it may have been overlooked, and if you are going to do some work on the reports, you may as well sort out the other cost inaccuracies at the same time.

                Thanks again.
                You can get back to Tetris now!
                Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be



                  Was wondering if this ever got sorted as we have run into exactly the same problem.

                  We stock ink cartridges and sometimes our supplier will change their suppliers so we receive the same product but in different packaging, with a different barcode. When we add the new barcode to the existing product it then counts the stock for both barcodes.

                  This makes doing a stock check a nightmare as it multiplies the amount of stock by the number of barcodes.

                  All I want to do is have 1 product, 1 total stock value, with multiple barcodes. Surely it's not asking much from a product that costs so much.

                  I notice this problem has been happening since before 2007, how much longer do we need to wait until it's resolved.

                  It's actually preventing me from using the system at the moment and I am considering other packages for the 3 new tills we are due to implement.



                    Hi Chris,

                    Can you please confirm the version of your EPOS?

