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Product lookup empty results

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    Product lookup empty results

    All of our product data is in the database but when we do a product look up for any product, the result is Blank - Zero - Zilch

    we have re booted the pc's and re logged in

    has anyone had this problem

    Thanks in advance

    Just Adding to this we can not backup either we keep getting Backup Failed

    Help Please

    Is there any way you can Compact database or something or reload EPOS


    Hi Steve,

    Is there any way you can Compact database or something
    You can compact the 6 Actinic EPOS databases in Microsoft Access 2002.

    To do this first close Actinic EPOS down.

    Make a backup of the 6 databases in the location "C:\checkout" which are:

    Stock Movement.mdb

    Then, open one of the databases in Access 2002, go to Tools | Database Utilitys | "Compact and repair database". Access will then compact the databases. You can compact each of the 6 databases

    As you are having problems looking up products in EPOS and you think the issue may be database related you cant try compacting the databases, but I think after that it would be best to contact Actinic Techincal Support via phone or email as this could be difficult to resolve.
    Paul Murphy
    Operations Manager - SellerDeck


      Hi Paul

      We can't back up either. I've tried backing up to different locations and each time we get a back up failed message which is obviously a bit of a worry.

      We've been through the log files to see if anything untoward has happened and nothing comes up - the usual stock in - stock out - supplier changed etc.



        We can't back up either.
        Please can you advise of the exact error message that occurs when backing up EPOS?

        An error backing up would usally mean this is a database issue, so it would probabaly be best to contact Actinic Techincal Support so that the database can be examined.
        Paul Murphy
        Operations Manager - SellerDeck


          Thanks Paul - as usual Steve has managed to fix it (brain the size of a planet etc).

