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Products disappeared after amendment

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    Products disappeared after amendment

    I went into Product File and made the following changes to 40+ products;

    Main > Changed Preferred Supplier
    Main > Changed Category
    Detail > Changed Product Code

    I then went back into Sales mode and tried to scan off one of the amended products but found it was missing, and so was every product that I had amended - any ideas what has happened?

    My back ups are only end of day, as it'd be unpactical to make back ups before all amendments were carried out, but with the amount of transactions that went through yesterday it'd still be quicker to re-enter all the 'missing' products again. Even though it'll me stock taking every item from one supplier

    If anyone has any thoughts on recalling this data or if I can extract it from the database on one of the earlier back-ups?

    It would also be useful to know if the way I went about the amendment was incorrect. I just needed to make the following amendments;

    Change Preferred Supplier
    Change Product Category
    Change Product Code



    I tried to re-enter a couple of the products that disappeared and EPOS advised that the Barcode & Product Code already exists and on clicking OK, it showed the product information. But on using the look up facililty and the product code, it still shows nothing. Even under the 'list by supplier' section, there are no products listed.

    The mystery continues............


      The mystery continues............
      You need to get your Magicians Outfit on pete


        Pete - I'm pretty sure the problem is with changing the product code, do you know any of the original codes so that you could revert back and see what effect it has. I'm pretty sure you can't just change a product code, or why you would want to.
        I think you'll find that when you do a lookup or scan the barcode the epos is trying to reference the old product code but as you've changed it, can't.

        Just tried it on my system to confirm - after changing the product code in detail, the new code is not accessible, however entering the old code will be bring up the original item - even though the lookup screen displays the new code - if that makes sense! I think the Epos is not changing all the table references to the item and causing corrupt references..
        Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be

