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Error initialising local variables....

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    Error initialising local variables....

    Hi Guys

    I have a client who has the latest version of EPOS Solo installed, and it has all been working happily for a couple of months.

    This morning, however, when the pc was started the system generated an error which said
    "Error initialising local variables"

    When the user clicked ok, the next message read:

    "Microsoft 3078. Micorsoft Jet Engine cannot find the input table or query system_setup.

    Make sure it exists and the name is spelled correctly"

    They can log in to the system, but nothing works properly (not surprisingly!).

    They have restarted a couple of times, and restored from yesterday's backup, but to no avail.

    This sounds to me like a database corruption. Is it a case of reinstalling and the restoring from the most recent backup, or is there a quicker way to get them back up and running.

    Hugely grateful for any advice,


    This sounds to me like a database corruption.
    That's right. You could try to repair the 'c:\checkout\system.mdb' database in MS Access. If you are not able to do this then can you zip this database up and upload it somewhere and email a link to me to download it so we can take a look at it please (tgsupport [at] actinic [dot] co [dot] uk).

