I had issues with networking being established, once sorted yesterday am, tills appeared to be working normally ( we have one back office holding db and 2 tills in shop, wired.
then we got some error messgaes at lunch time - Superuser privileges not being allowed to superuser accounts, despite peramiters being set correctly. contacted Sellerdeck, Rahima compacted and updated our database - all looked good, re placed old db with fresh. then we tried ' copy dtat from server on till 2 - got error messages, then unable to gain access to set up, just on main screen - nothing happening.
Go to main till get various error messages including Microsoft Jet engine could not find mysdb not found, Whole system now down, it is saturday and I have no tills - someone please help!!!
yes, i have gone through support, and this was a while ago, I have the same issue again now and can't remember how it was sorted out. I just think if there is a fix, if it was documented here I might have been able to implement it without bothering support. I think that about a lot of the questions on the forum. That if a clear definitive set of steps were documented here it might cut down a lot of the support traffic.