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Is Stock Reminder Extension still supported?

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  • graphicz
    In fact it won't work as the button to upload the scripts links to a page that is 301 - probably Malcolm's old server, and there is still just once link to the v16 snap with as Norman says a lot of unneccessary stuff in it.

    I have sde_StockReminder.js but need if anyone has them sde_StockReminder_Request.php and I presume a file referenced from in there?

    Does anyone have these files?

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  • graphicz
    I would hold fire from trying to make it work until Sellerdeck have claimed ownership and have it working. I believe they are working on that now (06082020)

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  • graphicz
    Now two downloads in Help, Exensions, Stock Reminder 5:

    Click to download the appropriate snapshot for the version of Sellerdeck Desktop that you are using:
    Sellerdeck 2018: stock-reminder-design-elements-v18.0.1.acd
    Sellerdeck 2016: stock-reminder-design-elements-v16.0.1.acd

    However I canot make it work as both the email buttoin inpus are text and won't submit, change the top one to type="submit" and it will submit but nothing happens!

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  • NormanRouxel
    The V16 Partial Site Design "stock-reminder-design-elements-v1.0.0.acd" file can be opened in WinRAR and the Act_DesignExport.txt extracted. This seems to contain a LOT of variable definitions that are nothing to do with the Stock Reminder. I edited out all the junk and have attached a file that you can hierarchical import via File / Import to bypass loading the .ACD. It seems to work but I've only done rudimentary checking.
    Attached Files

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  • graphicz
    I have raised a support ticket SDCS-54385 about this asking if Sellerdeck with take ownership of this extension as they are including it in v18.

    This is the fatal error

    FATAL ERRORSThe design to be imported was created by a different major version of the software (16). This version can only import a design created by version 18 and not from earlier or later versions.
    The author of the extension, Malcolm Brook, has retired and is not supporting any of his products and Support and Licensing enquiries are directed from the Extensions page to the Community.

    Hopefully SD will either release a v18 version of the extension or remove it from the v18 catalogue.

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  • Mintec
    started a topic Is Stock Reminder Extension still supported?

    Is Stock Reminder Extension still supported?

    Is the Sellerdeck Stock Reminder Extension still supported?

    Downloaded from here:

    I tried to install it on V18-04 but got 'There is 1 Fatal error' on Design Layout snapshop import.
    "The design to be imported was created by a different major version of the software (16). This version can only import a design created by version 18 and not from earlier or later versions."

    I cannot find another link to any other Design Layout snapshot.
