In fact it won't work as the button to upload the scripts links to a page that is 301 - probably Malcolm's old server, and there is still just once link to the v16 snap with as Norman says a lot of unneccessary stuff in it.
I have sde_StockReminder.js but need if anyone has them sde_StockReminder_Request.php and I presume a file referenced from in there?
Does anyone have these files?
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Is Stock Reminder Extension still supported?
I would hold fire from trying to make it work until Sellerdeck have claimed ownership and have it working. I believe they are working on that now (06082020)
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Now two downloads in Help, Exensions, Stock Reminder 5:
Click to download the appropriate snapshot for the version of Sellerdeck Desktop that you are using:
Sellerdeck 2018: stock-reminder-design-elements-v18.0.1.acd
Sellerdeck 2016: stock-reminder-design-elements-v16.0.1.acd
However I canot make it work as both the email buttoin inpus are text and won't submit, change the top one to type="submit" and it will submit but nothing happens!
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The V16 Partial Site Design "stock-reminder-design-elements-v1.0.0.acd" file can be opened in WinRAR and the Act_DesignExport.txt extracted. This seems to contain a LOT of variable definitions that are nothing to do with the Stock Reminder. I edited out all the junk and have attached a file that you can hierarchical import via File / Import to bypass loading the .ACD. It seems to work but I've only done rudimentary checking.
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I have raised a support ticket SDCS-54385 about this asking if Sellerdeck with take ownership of this extension as they are including it in v18.
This is the fatal error
Code:FATAL ERRORSThe design to be imported was created by a different major version of the software (16). This version can only import a design created by version 18 and not from earlier or later versions.
Hopefully SD will either release a v18 version of the extension or remove it from the v18 catalogue.
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Is Stock Reminder Extension still supported?
Is the Sellerdeck Stock Reminder Extension still supported?
Downloaded from here:
I tried to install it on V18-04 but got 'There is 1 Fatal error' on Design Layout snapshop import.
"The design to be imported was created by a different major version of the software (16). This version can only import a design created by version 18 and not from earlier or later versions."
I cannot find another link to any other Design Layout snapshot.
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