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Bringing v11 site to 2013 (v12)

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    Bringing v11 site to 2013 (v12)

    Just a note in case it helps:

    When developing a site I often put additional css stuff in the Actinic/Sellerdeck style sheet so it is easily accessible in design view,(I do use separate style sheets too.)

    Bringing a complicated v11 site into v12 it imported OK but my additional css was stripped out of the Actinic stylesheet and had to be replaced manually.
    Jonathan Chappell
    Website Designer
    SellerDeck Website Designer
    Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
    Graphicz Limited -

    Jonathan, thanks for making this point.

    We've done a lot of work on the CSS files in SD2013 to tidy them up and make things cleaner and I think the issue you high lighted is a side effect.

    If anyone is contemplating a change to their design, starting with the clean designs in SD 2013 is a good time to do this.



      Thanks for raising this. I have investigated and found that custom styles added to the very end of the Actinic Stylesheet layout (pre-v11.0.3) or Main Stylesheet layout (v11.0.3) are lost on upgrading to SellerDeck 2013. (At this stage I have only tested using snapshots, but I imagine the same will be true of in situ upgrades).

      Sorry for the inconvenience this causes. I've logged it as a bug, and we will fix it in a maintenance release.

      The workaround in the meantime is to move the styles from the end of the stylesheet layout and place them higher up before upgrading the site.
      Bruce Townsend
      Ecommerce Product Manager
      Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


        I raised this early on as a bug in upgrading, although it actually helps clean out CSS if you are aware of it.
        The copying across of the original *custom CSS simply resolves this issue, however a notification or log of this change for the user would be all that may be required here.
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


          Thank you all for your kind responses.

          Best wishes

          Jonathan Chappell
          Website Designer
          SellerDeck Website Designer
          Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
          Graphicz Limited -


            I have found this a nuisance too.

            I think it would be tidier if Sellerdeck define a custom.css file which is included after actinic.css is loaded.

            All customer css changes and additions would then be placed the custom.css file and actinic.css should not be touched without maintenance consequences possibly arising such as this.

            John Legg
            The Debug Store



              You could create such an arrangement very easily for yourself. Just save the custom.css file to your site folder, add it to the list in Design | Additional Files, and add the following line to the <head> section of your web page outer layout:

              <link href="custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

              We could certainly add that option, but unfortunately there are over 1000 similar ideas on our wish list for things that different people would like us to add to the software. So we prioritise things that are not simple for users to achieve, that we can achieve ourselves for a realistic cost, and have multiple requests.
              Bruce Townsend
              Ecommerce Product Manager
              Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


                Thank you Bruce.

                I have now done this. If I had known in advance that any custom styles would be removed when upgrading I would have done this a long time ago and the problem would not have arisen.

                John Legg
                The Debug Store



                  This issue is resolved in v12.0.2, just released. Custom css at the end of the style sheet is no longer lost on upgrading.
                  Bruce Townsend
                  Ecommerce Product Manager
                  Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions

