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Shopping cart problems with Internet Explorer 10 and Chrome

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    Shopping cart problems with Internet Explorer 10 and Chrome

    In the last couple of days we have noticed a problem with the shopping cart. When you get to the last stage and press "confirm order" - which should then take the user to Paypal or actinic payments - nothing happens.

    This is only using internet explorer 10 or Chrome. Internet explorer 9 and Firefox work.

    I currently own Sellerdeck catalogue 11 but and on the verge of upgrading to Sellerdeck 2013 and trying to decided whether to stick with catalogue or business. Since I am going to do it anyway I have installed the trial and upgraded the shop to use Sellerdeck 2013 anyway, and completely refreshed the website.

    After this I still have the same problem. Since I don't actually have cover at the moment I can't phone support. Can anyone help?

    It could be one of these two issues:
    Clicking the confirm button on my checkout, does not go to the payment screen
    Bug / Warning. Unclosed tag can prevent transfer to PSP in Chrome and Safari.


      The first one worked, thanks. I guess it is because the site was originally designed on version 9.


        I have upgraded my webshop to sellerdeck 2013 (currently using the trial because deciding whether to buy the catalogue upgrade or jump to business) and this problem occurred again.

        This time the first solution did not work, but the second one listed above did. I am not a web coding person so I failed to understand what was on this thread originally but finally got it. I will post a bit of clarification on that thread for thickos like me in the future.

        Just updating this in case it helps anyone else.

