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How can I display fragments on a product page?

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    How can I display fragments on a product page?

    Hi All,

    Here's a really simple request from a customer: "Please may I have a column to the right of my product where I can place fragments?"

    Easy, eh? Not unless I'm missing something. I can put both product and fragments in a sub-section and adjust the layout to put the fragments in the right column, but that's no good if the visitor gets to the product via a 'Related product' link or similar -the link goes to the product, not the sub-section.

    So, the challenge... how, if at all, do YOU put other content (video, links to other pages) on a product page? It's got to be easy to add, like a fragment. There will be unique content for each product.

    Thanks! -Jc.

    Hi Jonathan,
    You could use custom variables to add links, video etc to your product pages. What I would do is:
    1. Create the second column within the product template where you want the additional information to go.
    2. Next create the variables that you need via Design | Library | Variables Tab. Probably better within the Product Variable Group.
    3. Once create go back to the product page design layout and insert your variables there.
    4. Your client should then be able to go within the Properties tab of a product and enter the additional information they want.

    * For videos what we usually do is open videos from YouTube into a Lightbox, over the top of the site.

    Hope this helps.

    Lee Jackson
    Creative Director

    Centurius Design & Marketing
    Centurius Website
    Portfolio of Work


      Hi Lee,

      A great suggestion -thanks. We're already using that method to import extra product images for the products from a hosted image service. It works well, because all the code is hidden from the client who just sets the variable to the name of the album holding the images an up they pop.

      Our need is a little more complex this time: e.g. we'd like to add two or three fragment-like tiles to the product, with a title, some text, an image and a link. That's going to be a challenge using the variables method as I think it would need several variables per tile.

      I've mocked it up using extended info. I've put raw HTML in the Extended info text and added the layout code for Extended info to the Product Page Body layout. It works a treat, but it requires knowledge of HTML. We can live with it, but would ideally like a 'cleaner' method.

      Any other ideas, anyone?


        You could just revert to classic SellerDeck layout for the product in question.

        Sub Section used as product summary
        then 1 product directly under sub section as product (that is full product layout)
        thereby allowing you to use Fragments and create desired look at same level of product

        Although if have fragments with videos in them create a custom fragment with just FragmentText variable in it, and wrap it around a BLOCK IF statement stating only display when not in preview mode (look for variable called IsPreviewMode) that way YouTube videos wont display in preview mode and slow your software down. Or do what also been suggested and use jQuery pop-ups to display YouTube videos (which be best solution)

