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Quantity twice using hidden products

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    Quantity twice using hidden products

    When I first started with Actinic I had a problem with the component causing the quantity to list twice in the cart and on the packing slip. Some searching on the forum resolved this as it was just a matter of changing the orderscript. Now I have set up hidden products to assist in stock control and the problem is (half) back.

    The quantity is now listed twice but only on the packing slip this time. I assume it's taking the quantity from the component - as it has always done - but it's now taking it from the hidden product too, resulting in a weird and slightly confusing packing slip.

    Can this be changed to just one occurrence of the quantity. ( I have "component as separate order line' unchecked).

    Could I rectify this by removing 'QUANTITY' from this in Actinicorder. ?

    I don't have 'component as separate order line' though, so maybe not. Hmm

    		# Check components displayed as separate order line
    		foreach $pComponent (@aComponentsSeparated)
    			my $sCompQty = $pComponent->{'QUANTITY'};
    			my $sCompRemove = "";
    			my $nCompRowspan = -1;
    			if ($CurrentItem{'CANEDIT'} == 1 &&
    				 $$pComponent{'CANEDIT'} == 1 &&

    I think it might work - give it a try.


      The usual way to avoid both the parent and the component being listed is to tick the 'component as separate order line' box (and set pricing accordingly). You might be doing something that means this doesn't make sense for you but it's the way I always do it.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks guys. I shall have a fiddle with it later today.


          No, there doesn't seem to be a way around this, which is annoying to put it mildly.

          Basically if you use hidden associated products you get a quantity for the main product and one for the associated product on the picking list and invoice, and that looks daft.

          A workaround is to check 'component as separate order line' ,and 'no order line for main product'. Then you just get the component choice name listed as the product itself i.e. 'red'.

          Hmm, a red what?

          Or select 'use name from associated', which works on the invoice/picking list ok, but then your drop down list of choices uses this name also, so you end up with unnecessary repetition in the drop down:

          Red T shirt
          Blue T shirt
          White T shirt
          Black t shirt


          and that also looks daft.

          Or just don't manage your stock.


            You're almost there.

            You can edit the text that appears in the drop down list.

            So select 'use name from associated product' and then edit the text for the drop down box to say whatever you want.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              How can you edit it?

              I have mine set up with Component as Separate Order Line and Use Name From Associated. I list the choices in Sellerdeck for the drop down list as, for example, Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry - that is what I see in Sellerdeck, but the customer does not see this on the website. The hidden product names are something like Bloggs Chocolate Shake Tub, Bloggs Vanilla Shake Tub etc., so these are what appear in the drop-down list that the customer sees. The Data Sheet shows the full name Bloggs Chocolate Shake Tub. All this is fine and I am happy with it. However, how can Greenmind edit what appears online in the drop-down list as Mike suggests?



                I've realised that I'm not doing this anymore so I have to answer this from memory.

                I'm pretty sure it was just a case of editing the box for 'choice name' or 'HTML for choice'.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  That just changes in Sellerdeck

                  Hi Mike. Changing that just changes what you see in Sellerdeck, but not what the customer sees online when Use Name from Associated Product is selected, as the customer would see the name from the associated product. Use Name from Associated Product has to be selected for the Data Sheet to show this. It is a Catch 22, as far as I can see, unless I am missing something. In my case, I am happy with the status quo, but others like Greenmind possibly not.



                    It's just as well I don't use this anymore as it looks like sellerdeck broke it.

                    When I did use it, you could change the text in the 'html for choice' and that is what was shown on the page.

                    I'm pretty sure this still worked in V9 but couldn't say for sure.

                    I suspect this got broken when actinic rewrote the layout to allow the prices to reflect VAT and out of stock conditions.

                    It should be fairly easy to edit the layout to use the variable for the 'HTML for choice' box as I'd be surprised if this was removed from the library.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      Thanks for your input people. I have elected to go with mild quirkiness and accept the double quantities on the picking list/invoice.

                      I'll tell any customer that asks that it's all part of our 'complex administrative processes'.

