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Stuck on Filtering

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    Stuck on Filtering

    I have read up about filtering, and thought that I understood, but this appears not to be the case! I want to follow the instruction, "How do I fill a section automatically with products from elsewhere in the catalogue?" else "Advanced Filtering", but I am stuck as the Property field shows a long list of product choices created for drop-down list of choices of flavours etc, but not the Property that I want, and the Value column does not enable me to choose anything or type anything, being blank. I look at a product which I want to have that Property and Value, but the Properties: Product: comes up with Choose Gender and Choose Occasion (from the sample products which have since been removed) with only the choices that came with the software, eg Choose Gender: Women or Men. There is no Choose Brand. How do I get the filter that I set up called Brand to appear here, and where do I enter the brand name? It would appear to me that the system is based on having product options (for example I have flavours), which are used for the filter, so I would have to have the brand name in each of these, which is not the case. The example given by Sellerdeck under Advanced Filtering, is just what I want, but obviously with a different brand name other than Sellerdeck. I am missing something?


    I may have sorted this but cannot test

    I have created a new variable in the Library, copying the selections from a similar variable, called it By Brand, and entered some brand names under the Choices tab. This appears to work. However, on the preview page for this section, all the sections of the shop appear in the left bar, which I do not want. Somebody else had the same problem but don't know how it was sorted.



      Sorted secondary problem

      I sorted the problem of all the sections coming up in the left side bar, by adding a second filter to the section (By Type), so now the choices for the types come up instead, which is fine. I had to set up the filters by creating new variables, with Choices, in Design: Library. It seems odd that this is necessary.



        I am going through the "Sellerdeck 2013 Reviewers Guide"
        and I am also wondering how the filters for "Gender" and "Occasion" created?

