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Filtering Problem

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    Filtering Problem

    I have set up two Sections which contain no products but have advanced filtering to populate them. One section is a brand name, call it Bloggs, and the other is a Brands section. The Bloggs section is to show all the products made by Bloggs, and with a second filter for type of product by Bloggs. The Brands section is to give a choice by brand (from all the brands of all the products), and then a choice by type. To do this I set up product variables, using the samples with Sellerdeck 2013 as a guide. For the Bloggs section they are called ByBloggsBrand and ByBloggs Type, and for the Brands section they are SelectBrand and SelectType. Superficially, looking at the section previews, these look OK as they should be, and I think the Brands sections will work fine. However, when going through the products so that I can enter their brands and types, Properties: Product, where there is a list of the variables, there are all these four variables listed with each product. The products that are not Bloggs brand are showing under ByBloggsBrand as Bloggs, with no option for otherwise. How do I stop all the brands being automatically selected as Bloggs and therefore appearing in the Bloggs section? Any ideas?


    Tried Filtering for Sale Items Knowledge Base

    I have read in the Knowledge Base the instructions for setting up a section for Sale items, filter, and have tried to apply these instructions for setting up my Bloggs section, but changing the choices for Bloggs to be Bloggs and Not, rather than Yes and No. I then selected Not for a product that was not Bloggs. OK. However, the problem is that on the section page it lists with checkboxes Bloggs and Not, with Bloggs ticked as the default. I don't want Not to appear. Any ideas as to removing the option of Not but still keeping it as a choice in the product properties?



      If your variable uses "List of Choices" an option is forced. You could use "Text" and "Allow Empty Value" then you can write text and leave others empty.


        Thank you, Louise

        Changing List of Choices to Text etc appears to working absolutely fine. Thank you


