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Filter Results short description not rendering html

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    Filter Results short description not rendering html

    Yet another filtering problem. I have success with a section which contains no products but fills with products of a certain brand, and the customer can choose type of product within that brand, using filtering. Everything is fine, except where I have put some html in the short description, such as to make the words Clearance Offer stand out in red, this is absolutely fine everywhere on the website but not in the filter results, which show the html/span text for the colour change - Atkins Advantage Ready to Drink Milk Chocolate Shakes x 6 !!<<span style='color: #ff0000;'>>!!SPECIAL OFFER!!<</span>>!!

    Once clicked on, the product page comes up and the short description is correctly rendering.

    Any ideas to correct?


    It's a bug see: !!<Code>!! in Product Full Descriptions not rendering in filtered search results. I was told the bug reference is SD-1943 and is planned for fix in v12.0.3.


      Tried fix but no change

      I downloaded the new actinicsearch.js file, but it made no difference to the Short Description in the filter results. This could be because it was written for the Full Description, which I do not use in the section page. Clicking on the product in the filter results takes you to the Full Description product page, which was fine anyway. I have got around it for the time being by removing the red text from the Short Description, words saying "SPECIAL OFFER" etc, in the products that are possible results for the one section that I have applied filtering to, but of course this applies then to these products in all locations, and one happens to be featured on the homepage, so not so good.



        Beware of using anything other than plain text for the Short Description. The Short Description is used for the customer email, downloaded order, printed invoice, etc. and embedded HTML there will probably display as hieroglyphics.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Here's another way. Make a product name like:

          Acme *SPECIAL OFFER* widget.

          And in your product layout(s), replace variable ProductName with:
          <actinic:block php="true">echo preg_replace('/\*(\w.*?\w)\*/', '<font color="red">$1</font>','<actinic:variable formatting="h1" name="ProductName" encoding="perl" selectable="false" />');</actinic:block>
          The above will replace e.g. *SPECIAL OFFER* with <font color="red">SPECIAL OFFER</font>. The Cart, checkout, order, etc will display as *SPECIAL OFFER* which should be acceptable.

          Change the font tags for span if required.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Thanks Louise and Norman

            Thanks for the tips and suggestions.



              Can't find problem with text formatting in short description

              With reference to Norman's warning about using anything but plain text in the short desciption, I had a look at the confirmation emails sent to customers, html format, for products that had red text for CLEARANCE OFFER and similar in the short description, and they all appear fine, no hieroglyphics. I had removed text formatting for products that appear in the one section that I have filtering, and will leave this until the fix, as it is not a bad enough problem. I think I shall leave the text formatting in the other products for now, until I come across an instance where it is hieroglyphics.



                It's weird. If I have a Product name like:

                Digital !!<<span style="color:red">>!!SLR!!<</span>>!! Camera

                It appears OK in the Cart.

                However if I use:

                Digital !!<<font color="red">>!!SLR!!<</font>>!! Camera

                Then the Cart shows:

                Digital <font color="red">SLR</font> Camera

                So it looks like SD only filters out the things that you put in via the GUI editor. Other tags that you type in yourself may be problematic.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Is it just the Font tag that's not recognised perhaps?


                    There are a lot of possible in-line tags so I can't say for sure what the list that slips past SD is.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

