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Customer Login Error

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    Customer Login Error

    Could some kind soul kindly check something on a SellerDeck 2013 site (with customer accounts turned on) for me? I'm trying to figure out if the following problem is on our site or in SellerDeck 2013.

    1. Customer fills in their shopping basket and proceeds to the checkout.
    2. Customer then logs into their account but get's their password wrong.
    3. Customer tries again, but this time with the correct password.
    4. Shopping cart is now empty!

    Many thanks.

    In a SellerDeck 2013 default site it has the same problem with the scripts interacting with the browser cookie. Additionally if you enter a wrong password, then a correct one, you keep getting bounced back to the login page, regardless of whether you are going through the checkout or going directly to the login link on the menu.


      Thanks Louise.

      This seems to be a v12 problem - v11 works just fine.


        Hello Richard

        I have raised this as an issue to be considered for fixing in a future release.
        @ Louise, I am unable to replicate your scenario of being bounced back to the login page though. I am always taken to the store top page. Could you let me know if it is consistently reproducible for you or if I am missing any step?

        Krithika Chandrasekar


        E-commerce software by SellerDeck


          Using a default site Silverback theme: From home page to the login page, or from add to cart to checkout then click the Login under Existing customer. For both instances: Enter incorrect password, bounces to error message "No such user (or invalid password...)", bounces back to login page, enter the correct password, get bounced to message "Your shopping cart is empty. Return to the catalog and add an item to your shopping cart before continuing. Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click here.", bounces back to the login page.


            Ah yes, I notice that too, however if I add anything to cart again, then login correctly it breaks the chain. I will mention it in my report though. Thanks for the steps.

            Krithika Chandrasekar


            E-commerce software by SellerDeck


              Originally posted by Krithika View Post
              Hello Richard

              I have raised this as an issue to be considered for fixing in a future release.
              @ Louise, I am unable to replicate your scenario of being bounced back to the login page though. I am always taken to the store top page. Could you let me know if it is consistently reproducible for you or if I am missing any step?

              Thanks Krithika,

              Bearing in mind some of our customers take an hour, or so, filling their shopping basket with dozens of items, it's really important for us to get a fix as quickly as possible.

              The last thing we need is for customers to loose patience and move on to a more 'user friendly' competitor.



                I agree with Richard. I would also have thought that this was a major issue to be given a priority fix straight away? Not something to be possibly looked at in another release?. Basically if you try to login during the checkout and type a letter wrong then the whole cart is emptied and lost. This is impeding the ordering process. And if you login separately and type a letter wrong first it gets stuck in a loop.


                  I agree and have forwarded the concerns to the team. Will keep you updated.

                  Krithika Chandrasekar


                  E-commerce software by SellerDeck


                    I had a customer report exactly this last week. Thought it was them being daft as it wasn't a problem for me. Said they got caught in an endless loop.

                    I suggested they clear cache and close browser and try again. Of course it worked then, with the correct password.

                    So yes, please supply a fix asap, thanks.
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                      I've been looking at this again and it appears that the bounce is clearing the cart. If you hit view cart BEFORE the bounce the cart contents are still there.

                      I've just been asking SellerDeck support how to switch off the bounce and, instead, just have the incorrect password statement (or, possibly, change the bounce destination so it goes to the shopping cart) but the tell me it's one of those script issues they can't help with.



                        The support team gave a bug reference SD-2503 and there is a workaround for this issue below. This was given by the support team for Richard's site and tested as working so I thought it would be valuable to share as someone else reported the same issue, however I cannot be liable for issues caused i.e. if you use this make sure you make a backup snapshot first and if you have any problems revert the scripts by copying defaults from the Original folder at "C:\Program Files\SellerDeck 2013\Original" into your Site1 / installation folder. Although this fixes the problem with an incorrect password via the login page or checkout, if you log out it clears the cart, but this at least stops the cart emptying on logging in.

                        The fix involves several changes to 3 scripts in the Site1 / installation folder:

                        Note: If you have customised these scripts for other fixes or plugins you will need to compare the changes in the fixed scripts using progams such as WinMerge or ExamDiff and merge the two together.

                        The scripts for version 12.0.2 are in the attachment below.
                        Attached Files

