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Hierarchial Import Question

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    Hierarchial Import Question

    Just a question regarding hierarchia imports and haven't been able to find the answer so far on the forum.

    I have an an ex employee who has moved 100s of miles away doing some Sellerdeck work adding new products, about 1000 in total which I will then introduce via an import.

    My question is if they spend time adding related products should these import as well?

    The reason I ask is that I have been testing and am unable to import them. Not sure if it just simply isn't supported, or I am doing something wrong.

    If as I suspect, this isn't possible can I do the following with success.

    1) License a new site (I have Multisite) import a snapshot of the new products.
    2) Copy the section
    3) Change site to my live site
    4) Paste section

    I did used to do this around version 6 but unsure if this is acceptable way now with Sellerdeck being a lot more sophisticated.

    Any advice would be gratefully received.

    Kind regards



    Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
    Zirconium Rings
    Damascus Steel Rings

    You can bulk add related products into the database. If you search the forum you should be able to find info how to do it. Unfortunately I can't find it easily using my mobile phone.


      Hi Duncan,

      I don't think I explained it very well.

      I have some one entering data into Sellerdeck for new products. When we import all related products are lost. Is there away to import the work they have already done.

      It is cheaper for us for someone to add products for us who is 200 miles away than someone sitting in our office, but related products are not importing in.


      Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
      Zirconium Rings
      Damascus Steel Rings

