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Dynamic prices changing

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    Dynamic prices changing

    I have dynamic prices configured on my site so that someone can choose various components for a computer system. In the last few days something strange has happened. If you choose various options and then go back up the list and choose a new option, all the options below are reset to the default. This makes choosing different configurations really hard.

    It only started doing this in the last few days. We have not made any modifications to the shop layout etc or updated the program. It is happening in several computers.

    I did add some code in as per this thread:

    but I have removed that and put it back to the default and re-uploaded the shop, and it still does the same thing.

    You can see the problem here: and here:
    among other places.

    I have tested with Internet explorer and FireFox.

    Check the Settings and Site Options for Sequential Selection Of Product Choices. It was added in 12.0.2 but appears to be missing a note in the Help menu.


      That sorted it out thanks. Of course in the meantime I had tried a few other things which meant I messed up other stuff, but thankfully had a snapshot to go back to. Now my dynamic prices are working properly again.

      When they add a new feature like this perhaps the programs could let it default to what the program has always been doing and not to a new behavior? At lot of things with dynamic pricing cannot be tested until the website it uploaded so changes like the are time consuming to spot. I should have read the read me, but then I don't expect a point release to have a major changes on the way my site works.

      Anyway thanks again for your help.


        Well it won't affect me now as you told me about it. I guess I was making a general moan. Thanks again.

