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Help window

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    Help window

    Hi all,

    Is there a way I can get a help window to pop up on my customers' screens when they are browsing so that I can engage in chat with them?



    I hope you mean that you want a way for your customers to initiate an on-line chat with you!

    The alternative of someone popping up an unasked for chat box while I was browsing their site would be way too scary.

    This isn't something built-in to SellerDeck but there are plenty of 3rd party solutions out there. Googling for e.g. "live chat software" will get you lots of results.

    Or wait a bit here, as I've seen this on some SD sites and they may be along to tell you what they chose.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman.

      Yes that is what I'm looking for, A pop up asking the customer if they need any help, whereupon they can choose to click to start a conversation.


        A couple I have seen on sites recently are Zopim and Online Chat Centers.


          Thanks Louise.

          These look great. Are they easy to implement?


            I've implimented one of them which was quite simple as the site provides you with the snippet of code to place into the SellerDeck overall layout. If you are adding external scripts to a layout you may wish to be safe and surround it with a blockif tag to prevent possible slowness, see:


              Hello Joelsim

              I have observed that as per conversation you are looking for chat service on website. Seven months ago, I chosen eAssistance Pro live chat software for my website. It's worth for my site and online customer.

              You may also try it .

              Hope ; it works


                Hi Joel,

                I have used Livezilla for the last few years. It looks really professional, is full of excellent features and is well-supported with regular updates. I use the free ONE version for one operator (as opposed to the paid PRO version) . Hope this helps


                  Thanks very much for all your help.

                  I have a couple of questions which I hope you can help with.

                  1) Can I offer the live chat on an Ad-Hoc basis? What I mean by that is that there is no link that the customer sees to request a chat, but I can pop up a chat box on their screen as and when I am there to deal with any enquiries?

                  2) How many chats is it reasonable to be able to deal with at any one time?

                  The reason I ask this, is that obviously when there are only 2 or 3 customers on the site I could handle all of them if they wanted to chat, but let's assume that suddenly I have 200 people on the site...clearly I wouldn't be able to handle everyone, so is it possible to just offer/open a few of these customers to a chat?




                    Livezilla lets you send pro-active chats - you initiate the conversation - use sparingly as nothing more annoying than pop-ups offering help

                    How many chants you can handle depends on the depth of conversation, how much details and help they need and how long people are willing to wait. Don't offer a service if you are not able to handle it 100%

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

