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Displaying the lowest price when a product has multiple prices

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    Displaying the lowest price when a product has multiple prices

    I have searched for previous threads on this topic but don't seem able to find anything relevant.

    Here is my URL:-

    Ouch! Body Jewellery

    You will see that a few products on the grid don't have a price - this is because those products have multiple prices, depending on the size of the tunnel.

    I would like the above page to do one of the following two things (but preferably the first one!):-
    • Display the lowest price available for the product (along with the word 'From' or similar)
    • If the above is not possible then at least a message, in which I can insert 'Price Varies' or something like that.

    If I need to post any code, please let me know. Thank you for any help offered.

    Hi MrsBee,

    Not sure how you have your products set up...(permutations/Choices vs 'product Options')... But,

    Do you have a price set on the 'parent' product?

    We use 'use sum of component prices' but also set the parent price to the lowest product price (from the list of choices) - it's a bit tedious, when you change a product price, to also reset the parent, but it works for us...

    as to Price [From]... in the Tax Inclusive Price layout we replaced:

    <actinic:variable name="ProductPriceDescription" />

    <actinic:variable name="ProductPriceDescription" /><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductComponentCount%22%20%2f%3e%3e0" > from</actinic:block>:
    Where ProductPriceDescription was set to 'Price'

    NOTE: The trailing Colon (":") after </actinic:block>

    Make sense?



    HTML Code:
    <a href=""></a>


      Bill, that's wonderful, thank you very much. I hadn't had chance to look at it properly until tonight, but I have just made the changes that you suggest and it all works brilliantly. Just what I want. Thank you

