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Euro symbol currency formatting

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    Euro symbol currency formatting

    Hi Folks,

    I am translating our site into German and have a problem with currency formatting - and this is not solely a comma, thousands delimiter issue as much of that has been dealt with! It's the placing of the symbol (a little bit of the former).

    In Germany the placing of the euro symbol is AFTER the amount, e.g: 12,95 €.

    If you go to this page (work in progress so lots of English in evidence still):

    You will see that not only does the currency symbol come before, but the comma delimiting doesn't work in the drop down list other than where the text is hard coded as such.

    Any suggestiones please?


    Hi Charlie,
    You want this post that shows the changes in the database that you need to make for the site in question.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

    SellerDeck Hosting
    SellerDeck Digital Marketing


      Spot on! Many thanks.


        Hi Fergus,

        Not quite spot on.

        This still doesn't apprear to address the drop list formatting of the price.

        This page




          Hi Charlie,

          The pricing in the drop-downs is generated by a separate PHP function held in


          which is located in the "C:\Program Files\SellerDeck X\" equivalent installation directory (Not the site1 folder!)
          This PHP file is used across ALL sites, so changing it for one would have consequences for all sites.

          The PHP function in this file is
          function formattedcurrency($fNumber, $nDecimals, $sDecimalSep, $sThousandsSep, $sCurrencySymbol)
              echo  $sCurrencySymbol .  number_format($fNumber, $nDecimals, $sDecimalSep, $sThousandsSep)  ;
          and you'd simply change it to

          function formattedcurrency($fNumber, $nDecimals, $sDecimalSep, $sThousandsSep, $sCurrencySymbol)
              echo  number_format($fNumber, $nDecimals, $sDecimalSep, $sThousandsSep) . $sCurrencySymbol ;
          to reflect the change you want.

          If you have multiple sites on one machine then you'd need to look at creating a bespoke PHP method that lived in the site specific PHP file (siteincludes.php if I recall) in the relevant site1 folder, calling the PHP method something different e.g.
          function formatteddecurrency()
          and then changing the layouts in SellerDeck from calling the old function name to the new one.

          Not ideal, and a bit of a work-around, but it should cover the basics.
          Obviously, backup everything if you are going to try these changes.
          Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
          Ecommerce Digital Marketing

          SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

          SellerDeck Hosting
          SellerDeck Digital Marketing

