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Shopping cart summary includes delivery charge

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    Shopping cart summary includes delivery charge

    My shopping cart summary immediately adds the delivery charge when the first item is added to the shopping basket. Eg. You add a £2.00 item and the cost says £8.95 (6.95 delivery charge).

    I only want the delivery charge added during checkout. Anyone have any ideas how to do this please?

    Shopping cart summary variable:
    Variable Name="ShoppingCartSummary" Value="Shopping Cart Summary In A Line"/>

    Delivery charge is simple, only £6.95 for any order.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    In our case using advance shipping, it doesn't added it until the check phase as it needs to know where you are sending the item. If you are a returning customer and you have selected remember me, it will automatically add the shipping to the order.

    So new customers no shipping until the check out, returning customer may have it added early. You may be able to do something to the layout to stop it happening but that would be beyond me.

    Thanks M


      Perl patching may be needed.

      This line in puts the total into the Cart Cookie
      	my $nTotal = $Response[6];
      Where that 6 is from this list.
      # Returns:	0 - status
      #				1 - error
      #				2 - sub total
      #				3 - shipping
      #				4 - tax 1
      #				5 - tax 2
      #				6 - total
      #				7 - tax 1 on shipping (fraction of 4 that is
      #					due to shipping)
      #				8 - tax 2 on shipping (fraction of 5 that is
      #					due to shipping)
      #				9 - handling
      #				10 - tax 1 on handling (fraction of 4 that is
      #					due to handling)
      #				11 - tax 2 on handling (fraction of 5 that is
      #					due to handling)
      So something like:
      	my $nTotal = $Response[2] + $Response[4] + $Response[5] - $Response[7] - $Response[8];
      May give you a sub-total including tax but excluding shipping.

      Tinker and find out. You need to Update the site after such tweaks to get the modified Perl uploaded. Back-up first in case you break it.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        thanks - worked perfectly

        Dear Mr. Rouxel,
        Thanks for your help. That worked perfectly.
        Mash, thanks for your input but for some reason that didn't work, probably because even though I changed to advanced delivery there was only one charge.
        I can't help thinking I should have been using a slightly different variable/value to:
        Variable Name="ShoppingCartSummary" Value="Shopping Cart Summary In A Line"/>

        Thanks again.

