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Best way to optimism and conpress images

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    Best way to optimism and conpress images

    I have been trying ot reduce image size using paint but it seems ot end up with tiny images and still a lot of KB s . I can't see any option on this programme for compressing images only ways of reducing their size.

    I have found a free download called image optimiser is this good ?? Are there any other free ones I could use I have the latest windows not sure if there's anything microsoft installed

    Also any tips about mass editing or do I need to do each image file at a time its taking ages !!

    thx ofr previous very useful answers I am using developer google and I find this very useful.

    We use Faststone Image Resizer, search Google for it.



      Originally posted by Buzby View Post
      We use Faststone Image Resizer, search Google for it.
      this is good but google developer still asks for Losslessly compressing I can't see any compressing function here am I missing something


        In Faststone you can reduce both the pixel size as well as the compression but this is not lossless. Lossless implies you can revert to a larger image without loss of quality which will not be the case.

        I always use Faststone and never had issues. There are also other online services that can further trim off a few bytes but not really needed.


          Originally posted by Duncan Rounding View Post
          In Faststone you can reduce both the pixel size as well as the compression but this is not lossless. Lossless implies you can revert to a larger image without loss of quality which will not be the case.

          I always use Faststone and never had issues. There are also other online services that can further trim off a few bytes but not really needed.
          I have resized all the images now but google.developer is telling me I need ot losslessly compress about 20 or so images. I did noticed in the cropping section of Sandstone a lossless option. However everytime i use cropping in sandstone it seems ot crop out half the image.

          Its a lot trickier this resizing than I thought and even some of my resizing is resulting in smaller images than I would like.


            We use Photoshop Elements, not to expensive but very handy for this sort of thing, can easily do lots of batch files
            Chris Ashdown


              Photo resizing

              We use

              its easy, quick, and can batch change (resize rename etc) lots of images in one go. A real timesaver.


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                Jpegtran is good, you create a folder with the exe files and create a bat file to run the resizing. The instructions are fairly clear at
                Jonathan Chappell
                Website Designer
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