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Sellerdeck Freezing

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    Sellerdeck Freezing


    Just today when I was using the software a problem has occurred.

    Whenever I try to access any pop up menu (ie. Business Settings, Reports, Customer Accounts, etc) the software freezes and I have to force the program to quit using task manager. This obviously isnt ideal and more or less makes the software unusable.

    Any help is very much appreciated!


    External code can cause issues :

    Have you compacted the database recently? If not, then Housekeeping > Compact Databases is your friend.

    If that doesn't work, then if you proceed with caution, you could do a compact and repair using the built-in tool in Access:

    Close Sellerdeck.
    Make a copy of ActinicCatalog.mdb and store it somewhere safe in case of accidents.
    Open the original ActinicCatalog.mdb using Access. From the Tools menu you should see Compact and Repair as an option. Click it and allow the procedure to take effect.
    Close the database.
    Restart Sellerdeck.
    If all OK then great.
    If issues, use the Copy of the .mdb you saved earlier (rename to ActinicCatalog.mdb of course)

    Other than that, then Support might be your best bet.
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      Hi, I have tried compacting the database but hasnt made a difference.

      I dont have MS access on my PC, I will try and contact support.

      Thanks for your help though.


