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Missing/disappearing scroll bars in IE11

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    Missing/disappearing scroll bars in IE11

    The right hand side main scroll bar in IE11 is not there when you first land on a page??
    I have to click the mouse (sometimes several times) to make it appear!
    Customers will assume the website is broke.
    Do any other Sellerdeck sites have this problem??

    The website is

    Problem is there on IE10 as well. If I view your home page and then drag the right-edge of the window about, the vertical scroll bar sometimes disappears. If you then move the mouse away from the window it remains hidden. It re-appears if you move the mouse over the browser window contents.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Damn, assumed it was only 11.
      It would appear on closer inspection that it even has to be an active part of the site, like a link, or as you say, through a mouse click.
      And I have absolutely no idea why this is happening......


        I tried to replicate it here on an SD responsive demo site. That worked fine.

        You do have a lot of custom CSS on your site. Problem could be there and not in SD code.

        My usual way to troubleshoot weird CSS issues is via brutal binary chopping. Say you only have one big CSS file. Delete half of it and see if the problem disappears. If so, you know which half is the likely culprit. Use only the suspect half and check that the problem still exists. Now delete half of that and test again. Now you have only a quarter of the code to look in. It doesn't take many iterations to be looking at only a few lines. Backup the entire file / layout first of course.

        Alternative method is to keep most of the CSS and restore the deleted chunks, keeping track of the chunk that causes the error. Keep deleting / restoring halfs of that until removing / restoring only a few lines triggers the fault.

        Bit harder to describe than do.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

