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Can't load SellerDeck

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    Can't load SellerDeck

    Sometimes when I load sellerdeck 2013, I select my site from the list of available sites, and within a few seconds of the splash screen, I get an error box saying:

    "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again."

    Compact & Repair doesn't work, unless you compact & repair 4-5 times, which seems to solve the problem for a day or two.

    But what's happening? There are no duplicates in the DB, because if I export each table and import into a new database somewhere, i get no violation errors so everything should be fine..

    Anyone experienced / fixed this issue in SD 2013?


    There have been a few topics in the past with similar errors, if it keeps recurring you may have a corruption in the database and you should contact SellerDeck Support to fix the error.


      Thanks peblaco, it's good to hear it's not just me (although I'm sad to hear others have suffered too!)

      I'm sure I'll find the problem eventually - it makes little sense that Access finds no duplication errors but sellerdeck produces a standard access error box.. Makes me think sellerdeck is trying to add in a variable somewhere that already exists when running through the index..

