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Returning to previous place after adding to basket

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    Returning to previous place after adding to basket


    I am going to copy a message from the V7 section from "Glen" as it is more or less what I need. However, the solution posted there doesn't seem to aply in V14.2 so hope someone can help. Thank you.

    On adding an item to the Shopping Cart we are taken to the basket; the bounce page then takes us back to the top of the previous page and we then have to scroll down the page to find where we left off. If we click the browsers' 'Back' button instead of waiting for the system to take us back it takes us back to the exact place on the previous page from where we left off. This is the action I am after. Is it possible to configure Actinic Catalog to return us to the same place on the previous page rather than taking us back to the top of the previous page?
    Kind Regards Karen


    This isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be as the cart buttons, and presumably the bounce buttons, now just call an action from the cgi scripts (at least they do in V18) so any changes to the URL to send it back with the #aProductReference at the end of the link would have to be made to the scripts.

    Something that might work would be to use JavaScript on that button with history.go(-1) or history.back() which should tell the browser to go back to the page where it was and hopefully return to the same spot. The code would be very simple but it would have to be tested to make sure it did what you want and you'd probably want to keep the original button action for any browsers that have JavaScript turned off. I'm just a dabbler in JavaScript so not the person to do this for you.


    PS. Doing this in javascript might stop them being able to use the back button on the browser to back out out of the product page. That's a trade off you'd have to consider if you implement it. Another thing to test.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thank you Mike. It's not really the "Continue shopping" button I want to change, but rather that bounce page action. I want to set that to 1 second so customers add to basket and then have it return to the exact place on the page it was previously at - so the exact action the back button does.
      Kind Regards Karen


        Hi Karen.

        If you have a Cover or Sellerdeck 365 contract you could look at the Widgets extension and the popup add to cart widget. That replaces the bounce page altogether and is very much slicker.

        You can see it in operation on the Swift demo site, It's compatible with the built-in themes, too, and should also be applicable to a customised design.
        Bruce Townsend
        Ecommerce Product Manager
        Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


          Hi Bruce. Yes I do have cover, but I have some pages with one click shopping and I think it said I couldn't have that then? Also, if I understand it correctly it is only available as long as you have cover, if you stop that you can no longer have it?

          Gary from support told me that it was a bug that was preventing the bounce page from doing what I want, and it is not there in the current version.
          Kind Regards Karen


            Yes, the popup won't work on those pages. But they won't prevent it working on pages that do support it. And yes, you can only continue using it as long as you have a Cover or Sellerdeck 365 contract.
            Bruce Townsend
            Ecommerce Product Manager
            Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions

