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Website seems to be tailing off ??

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    Website seems to be tailing off ??

    I posted last time and had some very kind comments so I thought I'd post again. I have a very nice fairly new website done with sellerdeck 2013 its been ticking over but recently its been tailing off.
    Instead of increasing as Xmas comes its slowing down very few orders at the moment.

    Google analytics had yesterdays figures as 189 sessions on 30th Nov we had 210

    I was wondering if this is due to having adult products we are specialist focusing on the transgender market.

    Heres my plans for 2015

    1 more links to social media eg facebook
    2. a regular blog maybe wordpress
    3. adding video content to youtube and linking ot the website and media
    4. Removing adult content as much as possible I bought another domain name for our vee strings

    would appreciate any comments. I know eg if i do a search on transgender shopping my website is not on 1st page others like doreensfashions are. This is a very poor website and I wonder why its doing so well and we aren't hence the notion about adult content.

    Bounce Rate
    41.28% if that helps at all.


      done a speed test

      PageSpeed 1.12 Score: 25/100Need help improving?
      First Byte Time
      Keep-alive Enabled
      Compress Transfer
      Compress Images
      Cache static content
      Effective use of CDN
      Web Page Performance Test for
      From: Dulles, VA - IE 9 - Cable
      12/14/2014, 12:54:32 PM


        No pages are W3C compliant. Because there are errors in the code, some web browsers may not be able to read this website correctly and it may not always display correctly.


          Hello Susan,

          I am not an expert at these things but here are my observations of your site:

          At present my broadband is utterly useless. Very very slow. Doreensfashions loads fairly quickly, your site just doesn't load for several minutes.

          Running the site through google PageSpeed Insights show several problems with the site, especially with large image files. That carousel thing is nice but none of the images load (Due to my broadband speed?). Try compressing all the images and then run through PageSpeed Insights again.

          I really think that for a start you must look at the load speed and then work through the other points. The adult content is not a problem in my opinion as that is what the site is.

          Social networking and a blog will add new content, but will not work if the speed and other issues continue.


            Originally posted by PeterW View Post
            Hello Susan,

            I am not an expert at these things but here are my observations of your site:

            At present my broadband is utterly useless. Very very slow. Doreensfashions loads fairly quickly, your site just doesn't load for several minutes.

            Running the site through google PageSpeed Insights show several problems with the site, especially with large image files. That carousel thing is nice but none of the images load (Due to my broadband speed?). Try compressing all the images and then run through PageSpeed Insights again.

            I really think that for a start you must look at the load speed and then work through the other points. The adult content is not a problem in my opinion as that is what the site is.

            Social networking and a blog will add new content, but will not work if the speed and other issues continue.
            what size images should I aim for ???


              Originally posted by susan View Post
              what size images should I aim for ???
              The images need compressing to a smaller file size so that they will load quicker. Run you site through Google PageSpeed Insights for developers and you will see that it lists the images and the savings that can be made.

              Many of the image software packages will have a save for web feature that will compress the file down. Some quality may be lost but you need to find a happy medium between quality and size of file.

              It is also worth using the correct size image for each area and not relying on Sellerdeck to resize your image. For example you have a picture on the home page:


              it is 4,148px × 3,111px and scaled to 129px × 97px with a size of 1,646.5 kB.

              If you did the picture to be displayed here to the correct size then it could be as small as 2.3 kB.


                There are lots of seo issues with your site, for instance 230 pages have the same H1 tag.

                17 images are above 100kb, and 194 images have missing alt tag.

                Search and download Screaming Frog to help you.



                  I can see what I iwll be doing over Xmas
                  re the tags as I am not a web designer not sure what to do but I have applied for the Sellerdeck 2014 upgrade maybe it iwll help ??


                    Originally posted by Buzby View Post
                    There are lots of seo issues with your site, for instance 230 pages have the same H1 tag.

                    17 images are above 100kb, and 194 images have missing alt tag.

                    Search and download Screaming Frog to help you.
                    I am confused surely all this shouldn't happen with Sellerdeck software ??
                    What would cause this

                    btw I have reduced a lot of images and added links ot my new videos on youtube and it seems ot be picking up 8 ordered between 8-10th January !!


                      Hi Susan,

                      If you mean the H1 tags I suspect it could be because it looks as if all your pages have the following h1 tags:

                      <h1>Content of an Adult Nature!</h1>
                      <h1>Cookies & Privacy:</h1>
                      It looks as if you've put these H1 tags in the main layout. They aren't needed and should be removed.

                      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


