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Flat file import facility well out of date

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    Flat file import facility well out of date

    Rather annoyed that there seems to be many items you cannot import as a flat file as it looks like the import feature was last amended in about version 5

    Is it much to ask for in this day and age to be able to import all the basic features of a product and section into Sellerdeck via a flat file or a predefined csv format

    The latest failings show i cannot enter weight of product the EAN number plus a few other features, It's fine having all the new features adding bells to the system but what about the basics,

    You want to add colours or sizes to a product go to manual import or spend hours using the dreaded Hierarchical format that would confuse Einstein, is it really rocket science to be able to add products fully by a simple csv file

    How many new potential users looked at importing their data and given up and have gone to a more friendly simple system, lets face it you don't even get a product price export file to work on for adding new prices you are forced to update manually or use a outside app. or download the MDB and play with access.
    Chris Ashdown

    is it really rocket science to be able to add products fully by a simple csv file
    Houston, we have a problem . . .


      Yes, this has been frustrating for quite a while.

      In particular, the documentation and help for flat file importing need to be updated - I get the impression that flat files are the neglected 'aunt sally' of the SD world, compared to more glamorous hierarchical import and external file linking.

      The help files in general make no meaningful mention of several fields that SD have added recently, including 'Product Embed Video'.

      I appreciate that it would be tricky for custom variables to be included in a flat file import (and hence not require a hierarchical import) but any chance?

      To end on a positive, the good news is that for Shipping by Zone/Class you CAN import product weight (in kg) using the 'Standard Shipping' flat file import field.

      Paul Tanner


        Importing Products

        Hi Chris

        I'm presuming the plug-in you downloaded from us earlier today was for this purpose? If so, just to avoid you spending time unnecessarily, that's not the one you need:

        The Catalog Export / Re-Import plug-in you downloaded, exports your existing products to an Excel file then allows you to make amendments to them and re-import them back to Sellerdeck. It's basically a faster way to batch maintain your existing products, or to create custom product feeds.

        The Catalog Import plug-in is the one you'd need. We build a custom mapping for you from your product source data, whatever format it's in, so you can create new products, components, choices, variables etc directly from that.

        I know this doesn't help you get it done as part of the Sellerdeck product, which was the main reason for your post, but if you draw a blank with that and want to look at the plug-in option in more detail, give me a call / email and I'll be happy to advise further.
        Andy Barrow
        T: 0161 870 6355

        Accredited Sellerdeck development partners since 2004.
        Data import / export and catalog management plug-ins.


          Hi Andy

          On the export -re-import can you add new products to it.

          I have a couple of big customer files in csv format which we can partially import via the flat file but if we can easily copy and paste all the relevant info to the export file and then re-import the whole lot that would do the job and also it looks a good program for updating prices as our suppliers do not follow any set price update but rather willy nilly bits here and there
          Chris Ashdown


            I'm afraid not, Chris. All new products must be imported via Catalog Import. The Export / re-import plug-in is strictly for exporting and/or modifying existing products so you could definitely use that to manage your prices.

            Do you want to send me a small sample of what you're trying to import?
            Andy Barrow
            T: 0161 870 6355

            Accredited Sellerdeck development partners since 2004.
            Data import / export and catalog management plug-ins.


              Presumably Chris could do a basic flat file import to get the products created in Sellerdeck and then add the other details by doing the export / edit / reimport using the export/reimport plugin.

              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Originally posted by Mike Hughes View Post
                Presumably Chris could do a basic flat file import to get the products created in Sellerdeck and then add the other details by doing the export / edit / reimport using the export/reimport plugin.
                Mike, yes that would work fine. Sorry I didn't pick up on that option.
                Andy Barrow
                T: 0161 870 6355

                Accredited Sellerdeck development partners since 2004.
                Data import / export and catalog management plug-ins.


                  Sorry we talked off forum about this method which just means entering ref and short description to the web site by flat file and then export to excell and cut and paste the rest.

                  Andys software looks a great product and should make life much easier, I have used a couple of codepath programs and found them great with superb support
                  Chris Ashdown

