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Contact Us Form

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    Contact Us Form

    Having read the AUG for V14 and now V16 am struggling with a simple question, (apart from the AUG guide being hopelessly out of date):
    Where on earth are the from variables kept, as they do not appear in the Vairable Library ?
    <actinic:variable name="MailFormSubjectValue" />
    <actinic:variable name="MailFormEmailValue" />
    etc, etc...

    Would like to add some variables of my own to keep the Form content consistent, but just cannot find where they are hiding

    Pointers anyone ?

    Thank you for any help

    You can't actually populate either variable. <actinic:variable name="MailFormEmailValue" /> uses the email address from the session file, so if someone places an order and wants to send an email afterwards, it prepopulates the form with their email address.<actinic:variable name="MailFormSubjectValue" /> is only used to retain the subject line if there is an error sending the email and the form is redisplayed.

    The others are similar.
    Bruce Townsend
    Ecommerce Product Manager
    Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


      Ading JavaScript to Contact Us

      I would like to add a JavaScript to the "Contact Us" page. We are USA based company and I would like to add the following fields to the Contact us page: (1) Address, (2) State, (3) ZipCode, (4) Phone #, (5) Country. Our parent company's IT manager sent me this JavaScript code. I blocked out all the existing code and added this: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="" title="Online Form">Online Form - Contact Form</a></noscript>
      It seemed to work after I loaded to the server. However, when I entered the required data, I got a "General Script Error". Can anyoine tell me how to insert JavaScript to a library function?

