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MY Account Layout Glitch

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    MY Account Layout Glitch

    I am struggling to find a way of changing what appears to be a layout glitch in the Recent Orders table in My Account Page.

    The glitch is because, in the columns of data beneath the column headings, the column heading is repeated, showing for example, "Order Number:MM50BU30000099" and "Date Ordered:15/03/2016" instead of just "MM50BU30000099" and "15/03/2016"

    The variables involved are:

    <td><a href="javascript:;" onclick="toggle_block('idORDER_DETAILS_<actinic:variable name="MyAccountSafeOrderNumber" />');"><actinic:variable name="MyAccountOrderNumber" /></a></td>
    <td><actinic:variable name="MyAccountDateOrdered" /></td>
    <td><actinic:variable name="MyAccountOrderValue" /></td>
    <td><actinic:variable name="MyAccountOrderStatus" /></td>
    <td><actinic:variable name="MyAccountOrderDateShipped" /></td>
    <td><actinic:variable name="MyAccountOrderCarrier" /></td>
    <td><actinic:variable name="MyAccountOrderDeliveryTracking" /></td>

    I cannot find out where these variables (e.g. MyAccountDateOrdered) are set/generated and can find no way of removing the repeated table column heading.

    Can anyone help please and show me how to remove the unwanted text from the column data.

    After a lot of laborious detective work, I have found out where this variable can be edited. It is in "sellerdeck.min.js" situated in the Site1 folder. However, be careful - since this is tricky to amend because all of the code is in one enormous block with no spaces and no layout.

    Using a decent text editor, search for "span" until you find the following ".prepend("<span>Order Number:</span>")"

    This is the text that you do NOT want inside the table (heavens knows why it is there!!) - so delete it but be careful to leave the ,(comma) which follows it intact. Then search for the next occurrence of span and carry on deleting ".prepend("span>xxxxxxx:</span>)" where xxxxxxx is the text inside the span - until you have finished all occurrences.

    Before you do these changes, back up sellerdeck.min.js, in case you make a mistake!

    These changes will make your table look much better. Of course there are lots of other things that can be done to improve the entire layout of My Account Page - the standard layout of which is simply dreadful.

