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v14.0.3 Shopping Cart layout problem

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    v14.0.3 Shopping Cart layout problem

    Hi all,

    I hope someone can shed some light on this problem, as I'm starting to tear my hair out (not a good look for someone who's already starting to lose it!).

    I'm using the Smart Responsive theme and have problems with the Shopping Cart layout. Basically, the cart looks fine when viewed in a wide screen format (as per attached image), but when using a smaller screen format the cart is taking up far too much space; it also inserts unnecessary extra product references where they are not needed (as per other attached image).

    As we are a wholesale business and have repeat customers ordering numerous items, one can imagine how long the cart would be with the extra spacing required for each product.

    Please help.
    Attached Files

    OK. This could get a bit complicated, but only because of the way sellerdeck does this.

    When you have choices and components (such as Stone type and Ring size) then sellerdeck will show the product, the chosen stone type and the chosen ring size in the cart and checkout. Each on a separate line (although I have a nagging suspicion I've seen this compressed onto a single line, possibly by Norman).

    The way I avoid this is to use associated products.

    SO for each option I have a hidden product which I associate with a certain choice.

    So I'd have a "Round Stone Amethyst Ring with crossover band -size 22" as an individual product that is associated with the choice from the drop down selection. You then tick all the boxes to use the associated product for the price, description, tax, delivery. etc.

    Then you have to set the pricing for the main product as 'Sum of Component Prices' and tick the box that appears marked 'No order line for main product'.

    And bingo, you'll just see a single line in the cart for the" Round Stone Amethyst Ring with crossover band -size 22".

    It sounds complicated but once you've done it a few times it's fairly straightforward. You do have to create all the hidden products for each individual item though which can be hard work.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi again Mike,

      Many thanks for that, although I was hoping I wouldn't need to create associated products to work around this. We have hundreds of ring designs (not to mention the other jewellery types) and some of them are available in several different stone settings (argh). Although doable, it would probably take me several weeks of tedium - and hair loss!

      I will certainly try it with a few of the ring designs and I can then work out roughly how much time it will take. Perhaps on Monday now...

