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text links in header appeared

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    text links in header appeared


    I was hoping someone can help me sort out my header bar.

    Just updated the website today with a new product and these text links have appeared in the header. Terms & conditions, contact us and search

    Its really weird as I have a search bar already anyhow so not sure why or how these guys popped up. It is also making my header image small instead of full width.

    My site is

    Any advice much appreciate big thanks in advance as this site is awesome



    Those links appear in that position as standard in the Smart theme. There are two ways you could hide them.

    1) Via the Design tab
    - Click the 'Split View' icon
    - Click on the links in the Preview panel, then click four times on the blue up arrow that appears above them. This should show the 'Smart Header Area' layout in the Layout Code panel (you can also open it in the Library if you prefer)
    - Comment out the Smart Info Pages layout to hide it, by changing
    Smart Info Pages
    <!-- Smart Info Pages -->
    - To hide the whole line and move the search box upward, comment out the whole block

    2) With a few changes in the Library you can hide the text alone via the UI.
    - Select 'Library' from the Design menu
    - Click the 'Variables' tab and expand the 'Design Wizard' group
    - Double click on 'Wiz5a_InfoLinks'
    - Click the 'Values' tab, click 'New' and type 'None'
    - Click 'OK' and 'Close'
    - Select 'Site Options' from the 'Settings' menu and click the 'Design Wizard' tab
    - Change 'Info Links Position' to 'None' and click 'OK'
    - Check the Preview - the links should be hidden. If you're satisfied, upload.

    I hope this helps
    Bruce Townsend
    Ecommerce Product Manager
    Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


      thank you great help all sorted.

