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Section to display the filtered results with the filter option

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    Section to display the filtered results with the filter option

    Hi there,

    I was hoping to use the dynamic filter to populate various sections on my website. We are selling plants so I have my core products based on when they are available to be delivered and types of packs. We have taken this approach for years.

    What we want to offer this year and different way at looking for your plants, you may be looking for a greenhouse plant or lettuce plant so instead of going to the month you want it delivered, you go to salad plants to see what is available.

    So based on this, I have set up a new variable called Section-group and allocated all the products to a group, Salad, Glasshouse, Seed potatoes etc. I have set up new sections called like salad, vegetables, fruit etc.

    Then I hoped I could go to the section and enable filtering based Section-group value say 'Fruit', any product with that value will be shown (must have stock). I don't want at the moment filtering list as I don't want them to check the selection.

    I read through the help file and look through various threads but couldn't see the answer. Is it possible?

    Thank Mash

    Just another idea.

    We have some things we don't want shown in the filter as the customer has no need to filter them.

    What we did was find the code that dispays the filter choice, and put a block if around it to stop it being shown.

    Could you have a setup where Fruit is shown as a choice, and do the following.

    1) You set up a block if to not show Fruit as an option

    2) Set up a variable to show Fruit True or False at site level

    3) Enclose the opening Blockif and closing block in yet another blockif to only show if the Fruit Variable is set to true.

    So would be something like

    Show Fruit Variable set to True
    Block if to not show fruit as a choice
    Closing Block
    Show Fruit Option In Choices
    Show Fruit Variable set to True
    Closing Block for fruit as a choice
    Closing Block

    This way you could just turn FRUIT on and off at will in site options.



      To be used in filtering your new variable must have 'Searchable' ticked (In the Library 'Edit Variable' dialog), and have at least one 'Place of Setting' enabled.

      Then it will be available to add to any filter defined in 'Settings | Search and Filtering Settings | Filtering', or in the Section 'Filter' tab.

      I hope this helps
      Bruce Townsend
      Ecommerce Product Manager
      Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


        Hi Bruce,

        Section-group variable has been set up, and 'Searchable' ticked already.

        at least one 'Place of Setting' enabled
        Not sure what this means, looked through the various tabs and can't see 'place of setting'.

        I have my sections which I want to populate dynamically, I only want show products which are still in stock. After March, I don't want to show March products as we would have passed the planting point, March products would be set to zero as stock monitoring is enabled therefore do not show products in the filter settings will also be ticked.

        Ideally I will go to the section, and I will set up the filtering for them, I don't need options at this stage (you could later add filter say on Month), at the moment I just want to show the results of a single filter being that section so Leafy Salad, or Tomatoes.

        So is this possible? Do I have to set up a new filter for every group /section or can I set up a filter based on Section-group and then select what I want to appear in section?

        The next stage is be able to order off these results which makes this Sellerdeck function from nice to excellent.

        Thanks Mash


          Hi Mash

          Not sure what this means
          When you created the variable, in the 'Edit Variable' dialog there are various checkboxes under the heading 'Place of Setting' - Site, Section, Product etc. At least one of these must be ticked. I assume it must be, otherwise you couldn't populate the variable.

          Generally if 'Searchable' and at least one Place of Setting are ticked, then the variable should be available in the 'Properties' drop-down in both the Section 'Filtering' tab and the 'Search and Filtering Settings'. If that's not the case for you then I don't know why not. You will probably need to raise a support ticket and send in a snapshot to get it diagnosed.
          Bruce Townsend
          Ecommerce Product Manager
          Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions

