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Passive Errors (image)

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    Passive Errors (image)

    I'm getting a passive error warning at the end of upload, it not something new, but I'm trying to get shot of it;

    C:\ - \SellerDeck 2016\Sites\Site1\Lightbox icons\-.jpg,
    The file referenced by the variable 'LightboxImage3' for the Product does not exist.

    I'm not aware of the image file current being reference anywhere in SD & I've exported catalog to CSV, cant find the image reference there & I've gone through all the product related tables in Access & find no reference there either.

    Any idea where the image file reference may be hiding, or if there is no reference, how the error message may be prevented?

    Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier

    Why not place either a big image in the folder C:\ - \SellerDeck 2016\Sites\Site1\Lightbox icons\ named -.jpg, and in previews try and see if that image shows up anywhere on the site, you will then be able to track it down to a template.

    Or if you are confident no image is being used, or needed why not just name a single pixel -.jpg, so that you don't get the error.

    I know its a work around, but isn't that what Sellerdeck is about?



      That's my Lightbox add-on. However the problem isn't with my add-on but with SellerDeck.

      The beginning of the error message seems weird. You have:

      C:\ - \SellerDeck 2016\Sites\Site1\Lightbox icons\-.jpg,
      The file referenced by the variable 'LightboxImage3' for the Product does not exist.

      But when I try forcing the same error here I see a much more helpful:

      D:\Data\SellerDeck 2016 Sites\LightboxV4-FancyboxV1 Responsive\Images\Train_wreck_at_Montparnasse_1895.jpg,The file referenced by the variable 'LightboxImage3' for the Product Engagement Ring does not exist.

      So that initial "C:\ - \" seems suspect. The image name seems dodgy and no Product is reported.

      Try Exporting the site into a .CSV file the open said .CSV in Excell. Look in the line:

      Header:Product for LightBoxImage3 and expand that column to make it very wide. Now scroll down looking for weird entries.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



        I had though about just making an odd sized image to match the file name, but not knowing where it is, it would possibly be a bit of a headache trying to locate it over thousands of pages & as many images?


        It is indeed your own.

        I should have made it a bit clearer (my mistake), but the - & - were just inserted to hide drives/image names, the actual filename is pretty regular. I've already exported to CSV, looked & searched in the relevant column (& everywhere else) & I'm not finding the specific file name anywhere & I cant find anything in the relevant access tables either.

        I've managed to delete images in the past that were still referenced in SD, but an export & search for the filename has always directed me back to the appropriate place to delete the dud filename from SD.

        I'm pretty stumped on this one.
        Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier


          In my error message I was told the product name that was involved. Did your message omit this?
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Correct, no mention of the product, the error text in the first post (excluding the removed parts of the filename) is a copy / paste from the error message.

            It doesn't occur during normal operation, snapshots or exiting, only when uploading.
            Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier


              It looks more like a corrupted database than something you've done.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Months ago (or was it years, I loose track) I cleared out a load of redundant images from site1 & managed to remove a few from older hidden products, maybe half a dozen or so - these were all easily sorted out apart from the mentioned one which was left to sort out later.

                The image file certainly did exist, but all the related SD product were deleted a long time before the image was deleted.

                I see what your saying about a corrupt database, but I'm struggling to understand where the error is coming from when I can find the reference in any of the database tables, but I imagine that as the error is being generated, it must be in the DB somewhere.

                I don't suppose that you know which tables and/or files you would expect "Lightboximage3" to be referenced in within SD?
                Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier


                  A horrendously complicated relationship between Variable and UserDefinedProperties.

                  Here is some sample code I used many yeears ago to explore this. It was for putting on a Product Layout to get all the values associated with that product:
                  Example real world code that gets a group of like named variables of type Filename
                  	// two step method get LightBoxImage1 .. LightBoxImage10
                  	$connect = odbc_pconnect("ActinicCatalog<actinic:variable name="ECMajorVersion" selectable="false" />","","", SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC); 
                  	$LightBoxImages = array();
                  	for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)
                  		$query = "SELECT nID from Variable WHERE sName='LightboxImage$i'";
                  		$result = odbc_exec($connect, $query); 
                  		$variableID = odbc_result($result, 1);
                  		$query = "SELECT sValue, nID FROM UserDefinedProperties" 
                  				 . " WHERE sContentID='<actinic:variable name="ProductID" encoding="perl" selectable="false" />'" 
                  				 . " AND nVariableID=$variableID";
                  		$result = odbc_exec($connect, $query); 
                  		$lbimage = odbc_result($result, 1);
                  		$LightBoxImages[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $lbimage);
                  So you need to get the nID from Variable for sName LightBoxImage3
                  Then look in UserDefinedProperties for anyhing with matching nVariableID.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                    I'll have a look & thanks for providing that!
                    Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier

