The inbuilt BX Slider in Sellerdeck is great if you display one slide at a time, but if you want to display three or four slides, or even mini product layouts they get scrunched in smaller viewports.
Help is at hand! A splendid chap called Arnique Mkenya has modified BXSlider so you can set the number of slides per screen width very easily. Say two for handheld, three for tablet and four for desktop.
Take a look at BxSlider Rahisified! A custom super responsive and bootstrap friendly version of bxSlider v4.1.2
I have nothing to do with it, just passing on a super idea... he writes all sorts of cool code too!
Help is at hand! A splendid chap called Arnique Mkenya has modified BXSlider so you can set the number of slides per screen width very easily. Say two for handheld, three for tablet and four for desktop.
Take a look at BxSlider Rahisified! A custom super responsive and bootstrap friendly version of bxSlider v4.1.2
I have nothing to do with it, just passing on a super idea... he writes all sorts of cool code too!