I turned on HTML Email on a test version of our site in 18.0.2 and have found the Logo image path wrong in the received email, it can't find it. I have only experimented with sending emails out of Customer Orders in the client.
I have found the following:
In the HTML Outer Layout it uses CatalogURL & CompanyLogoFileName to add the image to the email. What it is not doing is changing the Local Path to the uploaded path in variable CompanyLogoFileName.
This is the code section:
So if I browse for the logo in Site Settings/General/Company Logo File Name to say images\logos\companylogo.png (CompanyLogoFileName)
It is producing a logo path of https://www.site.co.uk/acatalog/images/logos/companylogo.png in the send email, which is quite obviously incorrect.
Has no one else come across this. Found a few HTML email posts but none about this Logo issue.
I have found the following:
In the HTML Outer Layout it uses CatalogURL & CompanyLogoFileName to add the image to the email. What it is not doing is changing the Local Path to the uploaded path in variable CompanyLogoFileName.
This is the code section:
<a href="<actinic:variable name="WebSiteURL" />"> <img src="<actinic:variable name="CatalogURL" /><actinic:variable name="CompanyLogoFileName" />" border="0" align="middle" hspace="10" /></a> <b><actinic:variable encoding="html" name="CompanyName" /></b></font>
It is producing a logo path of https://www.site.co.uk/acatalog/images/logos/companylogo.png in the send email, which is quite obviously incorrect.
Has no one else come across this. Found a few HTML email posts but none about this Logo issue.