I saw this piece of code and placed it into my "exteneded info page", and it worked great.
If i design the "extended info page" in dreamweaver, it highlights some of the code yellow and bold, and if i make any changes and submit to Actinic then the "email a friend" stops working and there is code on the page.
This is the full code im entering
This is the part of the code Dreamweaver highlights -
If i design the "extended info page" in dreamweaver, it highlights some of the code yellow and bold, and if i make any changes and submit to Actinic then the "email a friend" stops working and there is code on the page.
This is the full code im entering
Enter e-mail address to tell a friend <input type=text value="" size=40 onchange=" var thisloc=location.href + '%23<Actinic:Variable Name="EncodedProductAnchor"/>'; if (this.value != '') { location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take%20a%20look%20at%20<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductName"/>&body=I%20saw%20' + thisloc + '%20and%20thought%20you%20would%20be%20interested.' } "> <input type=button value="OK">
<input type=text value="" size=40 onchange=" var thisloc=location.href + '%23<Actinic:Variable Name="EncodedProductAnchor"/>'; if (this.value != '') { location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take%20a%20look%20a