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    Recently Viewed Items

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondered if anyone has had a play with the recently viewed items layout yet, so that in the event that someone should decide to cancel all the recently view items a default message appears stating there are no recently viewed items.

    Possible? Having a play myself, but wondered if anyone had cracked it yet?

    To demo what I mean, cancel the recently review item on this page:

    Sukiyo Jewellery

    As you'll see all I'm left with is the header and border. Could anyone suggest a work around?


      If someone has manually removed these, won't they know that and thus not need a message telling them what they just did? I think your page is perfect as it is. Your idea would be like putting a sticker at the bottom of the sugar bowl saying "there is no sugar left" surely?

      PS - nice looking site, i like it.


        Originally posted by leehack View Post

        PS - nice looking site, i like it.
        I agree, the facebook share button is a great idea, wonder how you implemented that ?


          If you mean the Share button on product page go to and create your own button.

          When installing in actinic you'll need to wrap it around a BLOCK IF with the variable IsPreviewMode=false as the script used for the button can cause Actinic performance issues when in design mode

