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Hiding Price from non registered users

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    Hiding Price from non registered users

    Just started using Actinic please be patient with me and my questions...

    I want people (potential customers) to be able to browse my website to see the range of products that I do, but not to see the Price of the items. The reason for this is I want them to register to see the prices and it means that I can keep my competition from looking up my website.

    I have looked through the community posts and the knowledge base but cannot find the answer. I am using the tags <Actinic:NOTINB2B></Actinic:NOTINB2B>. I can get them to work with HTML text but I cannot get them to work with actinic code as below.
    <Actinic:NOTINB2B><actinic:variable name="PreFormattedPrice" value="Product Price Excluding Tax" /></Actinic:NOTINB2B>

    This is probaly a simple fix for someone who has been using actinic for a while but this is very important in my site design.

    Also when the user is not logged the prices say "Excluding VAT at 21%" but when they log in it drops the "at 21%", I cannot see why it does this, I dont have the same options in the product layout for registered and unregistered users.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hiding Price from non registered users

    42 reads and not one answer...

    even to say "it can be done...... your asking the impossible...... oh my god were only human here and we cannot interfere with the laws of actinic, its just impossible....."


      I believe that this can be done, although it will be a bit tricky. I won't be able to give you instructions, because I can't, but will try to give some pointers ...

      As background, Actinic always tries to use unrendered HTML when it can, for reasons of efficiency. So from memory, in a site that can have log ons, if no-one is logged on the straight HTML is displayed and any Actinic tags left on the page will be not rendered by Actinic and will be ignored by the browser. (It's one reason why Actinic sites fail W3C compliance, although it has no negative impact at all). When a person is logged on these tags will be rendered by Actinic.

      My idea would be to put a "Retail price" of zero into the Prices area of each product. Then include some Javascript that supresses the price field if it is zero and replaces it by some code like "Request an account to see prices" or such.



        I've very recently done this myself, the instructions in the KB work for sure, I even used them to hide other areas on page. No JS is needed, do make sure you have uncompressed html selected for it to work though.

        In site options there are 2 different price layouts, one for logged in and one for not, you need to get those the same.


          Thanks to both of you for answering my question, I played around and got it working, thanks for your help. Dont know why I couldnt get it to work initially but now have it sorted.


